Archive for JoJo’s Food

The Joy of Medical Cooking

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , on 2014/01/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

I am sick, and when I’m sick, there’s nothing I love more than a good, hot meal to soothe my weakened body. And who better to cook for the ill than the man with the healing kitchen, Tonio Trussardi? I may not be able to get his healing touch, but I have stumbled across some attempts at his style from across the internet.

Fair warning, some of these recipe parts don’t have proper measurements or cook times. I sympathize because I rarely write down recipes I create and never write down the times, but you’ll need to use your instincts on some of these steps.

Mozzarella and Tomato Salad


1 Lump of Mozzarella Cheese
1 Tomato

Tonio’s Special Dressing:

Leaf of Wakame
10 ml Olive Oil
10 ml Rice vinegar
1/2 Tsp. Salt
White Wine Vinegar
Anchovy fillets
Lemon Juice

Pepper, Basil, Lettuce, other cheese, crackers, ham, and/or chili sauce


1. Cut the mozzarella into 4, thin slices.

2. Cut the tomato into 5, thin slices.

3. Begin the dressing by finely chopping the wakame and mixing the other ingredients.

4. Mix all the dressing ingredients together.

5. Arrange the cheese and tomato slices together and drizzle the dressing and pepper over it.

6. Add lettuce and extra cheese

7. Sprinkle chopped basil

8. Place 1 cheese and tomato on a cracker

9. Optionally, place ham on that.

10. Optionally, place chili sauce on that.

11. Add Pearl Jam to relieve stiff shoulders.

Spaghetti Puttanesca


~2 Tbs Olive oil
1 Clove of garlic
1/2 Tsp Anchovy Paste
A bit of Takanotsume pepper
~2 oz White Wine
Chopped small tomato
Grated cheese
100g Spaghetti noodles


1. Boil a liter of water. Add spaghetti and 1 tbs of salt.

2. Cook the garlic and anchovy paste in the olive oil in a skillet on low heat. Add the takanotsume after a bit.

3. Add the white wine to this skillet mixture after a minute.

4. After it’s started to smell sweet, chop and add the small tomato. Add olive oil if necessary.

5. After boiling the pasta for 5 minutes, add the frying pan mixture and cook for about half a minute while stirring. The oil and water should blend into a thin sauce. Add milk to thicken.

6. Add salt and oregano to taste.

7. Sprinkle on some extra garlic.

Lamb w/Applesauce



  • Fresh “Herbs” [ED: He doesn’t mention them, but the ones in the picture seem to be cilantro and thyme]
  • Salt and pepper


  • Asparagus
  • Shimeji
  • Olive Oil
  • Sliced garlic


  • 1 sour apple
  • 1 onion
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 ginger root
  • 3.38 oz water
  • ~.5 oz white wine
  • Small mix sugar, salt, pepper
  • Dash of soy sauce
  • Olive Oil


Apple Sauce:

1. Peel and finely chop the apple, onion, garlic, and ginger.
2. Add the garlic and ginger to a skillet with the olive oil and simmer on a low heat.
3. Add the onion on a higher heat. Cook until the color starts to change.
4. Add small amounts of the apple. Turn the mixture over in the oil and cover with lid.
5. Once you’ve got the sweet aroma, add enough water to cover the mix and cook until it’s gone.
6. Add white wine, salt, pepper, sugar, and light soy sauce.


1. Finely chop the “herbs”
2. Salt and cover both sides of the lamb in salt and herbs.


1. Chop the lower stems off the mushrooms
2. Chip the harder parts off the asparagus and chop into index finger length pieces.

Final dish:

1. Begin grilling the lamb in a skillet with olive oil.
2. After turning it over, cook the other side on low heat for 7 minutes with a cover.
3. Remove the cover. Check the meat by poking it. Remove it from the frying pan.
4. With the same oil, cook the asparagus, salt, pepper, and mushrooms.
5. Spread the sauce over the lamb and add the garnish.

Clicking on the name of the dish will take you to the original recipe page. Somewhat the puttanesca and definitely the lamb have pictures to go along with the recipe steps if you want to use them to check yourself. Some of the steps I embellished based on those pictures, so good luck in the kitchen. Me, I have to figure out if there’s somewhere in town to buy lamb.

“There’s a Limit to What Human’s Can Wear, so I Abandon my Svelte Waistline!”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/01/12 by OnePixelJumpMan

This one has a bit of age, but it seems to have passed under the radar. Do you remember the JOJO x Japan Original Beauty collaboration from back in October? You may have seen the costumes or some of the hairdressing videos, but have you seen any of the show itself other than the promotional posters? I hadn’t, but Shiseido was nice enough to put a small video of parts of the reception party up on their channel. It’s interesting to see how big a media event it apparently was and how much more there was to the fashion than the JoJo stuff. The unique hairstyles particularly stand out.

That video was part of this Naver collection that has a few pictures of the event and participants.

Second, do you remember this picture? I dubbed it the Jonabar. It was an entry for one of the legs of JoJo Royale that struck a chord with me because I think it’s funny. Well, as it seems:

Making JoJo themed chocolate art is apparently a thing. And the art is certainly impressive. I’m not even sure how to get details like the folds in clothing or the rough sections of Josuke’s hair. You see a lot like this with the detailed art.

And there are some that are very impressive drawing wise and as full artistic sets.

Like this. This is the sort of thing I’d imagine as the centerpiece of a JoJo theme wedding. I’m mostly enamored with the detailing on the stone mask, but I like that all the sound effects, which I assume are cookies, must be handmade because they don’t have a regular shape. That’s an impressive dedication to a project. I don’t know if I’d be able to eat it.

These images come from this Naver collection. You can see a few more here. The Diego one is especially nice.