Archive for JoJo’s History

Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING: Rok U Like Vampire Zombie

Posted in DUWANG, DUWANG PRINCE KING, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/07 by OnePixelJumpMan

Duwang 7. Just download it now. This one is pretty jam packed with good lines, and it’s hard to pick just one winner. So I didn’t.

Certain traditions cross even the highest language barriers

I think this is as close as I’m getting to Taco Mania

However, if I had to absolutely pick a winner, it would be this one:


And these are just the ones that work as single still images. You’re missing out on the conversations about high fives and no harm no foul, the reveal of Burger Mcsnails. I’d give it a look.

Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING: Death Prize

Posted in DUWANG, DUWANG PRINCE KING, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/11/16 by OnePixelJumpMan

I was starting to lose faith, but DUWANG 5 is finally here. And new DUWANG for us means new PRINCE KINGS. It was a somewhat slower episode at first, before Dio shows up, but man does it finish strong. Especially when we get to the history lesson. This was a hard call,

but I ultimately had to give it to the best twist ending to a story I’ve seen in quite a while.