Archive for JoJo’s The Animation Crew

Even the Director is Moved to Tears by Caeser’s Death

Posted in Interviews, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/13 by OnePixelJumpMan

This is a picture of Naokatsu Tsuda. He was one of the series directors alongside Kenichi Suzuki working for davidproduction. The JoJo Anime twitter posted about him being interviewed, and so we’ve got a retrospective on the series by him presented by AnimeAnime. 

Edit! And now you don’t have to worry about me trying to create a translation because there’s been an official one by SGCafe. It also has the whole of the interview that I didn’t see when I looked it up myself. It now includes the parts about favorite characters and picking the ending theme. Enjoy!

(Image from and ©AnimeAnime. Visit the original article to see it in general and also for some more picture.)