Archive for Jolyne Cujoh

“How Deep Can I Go?”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , on 2014/03/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Yeah, I’m not not posting that picture. This is a screen taken from the English version of ASB with Jolyne’s final line after her HHA courtesy of williamzeppeli tumblr. That certainly is an interesting decision for that line.

But to give this a little more weight, would you like to see some of the other translation decisions? Someone was nice enough to drop a huge list of changes gleaned from promo material on the localized version onto Pastebin. It’s pretty massive, so I’m only going to post the name changes then give the links at the end. Directly quoted:

Character names seen in-game:
Jonathan Joestar
Will A. Zeppeli (Will Anthonio Zeppeli seen in menu screenshots)
Dio Brando
Joseph Joestar
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Jotaro Kujo (Star Platinum)
Muhammad Avdol/Mohammed Avdol (different spellings between builds)
Noriaki Kakyoin
Jean Pierre Polnareff/Jean Pierre Eiffel (different spellings between builds)
Hol Horse
Josuke Higashikata 4 (Shining Diamond)
Okuyasu Nijimura
Rohan Kishibe (Heaven’s Door)
Koichi Hirose
Shigekiyo Yangu (Harvest)
Akira Otoishi (Chili Pepper)
Yoshikage Kira (Killer Queen is mentioned by name on Namco websites)
Kosaku Kawajiri (Deadly Queen, Feral Cat, Bite the Dust) (Killer Queen is mentioned by name on Namco websites)

Giorno Giovanna (Golden Wind)
Bruno Bucciarati
Guido Mista (“Bullets” in a dialogue translation)
Narancia Ghirga
Jolyne Cujoh (Stone Ocean)
Ermes Costello
Father Pucchi (Enrico Pucci is seen in menu screenshots)
Johnny Joestar (“Tusks” appears in a move’s translation)
Gyro Zeppeli (Ball Breaker)
Funny Valentine
San Tan
Jongalli A
Pesci (Fisher Man)
Lucy Steel
Diego Brando
Joshu Higashikata
MIA, not seen in any form yet:
Lisa Lisa
Old Joseph Joestar
Vanilla Ice
Panacotta Fugo
Narciso Anasui
Josuke Higashikata (JoJoLion) (presumably Josuke Higashikata 8)
Ikuro Hashizawa/Baoh

I emphasize the Polnareff change to Eiffel because that’s just dumb. Might as well just name him Baguette Man with his stand Riposting Chevalier and be done with it.  “Stray Cat” to “Feral Cat” is also kind of odd considering that Stray Cat is a fairly normal term, but I’m not going to question copyright fears.

You can find the whole of this collection here for names and here for in fight dialogue.

(Thanks JoJo’s thread for posting both of these.)

JoJo Royale Stage 6 End; Stage 7 GO!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/01 by OnePixelJumpMan

Another Stage of JoJo’s Royale is closed and the winner of Araki’s drawing desk is being determined. I think it might be because BLOCK was such a simple, approachable concept, but this Stage got more entries than any previous Stage so far. The personality and creativity here is really high, and what people were able to do is really impressive. Here’s a few of what I think are outstanding entries.

Typing on this keyboard will drastically increase your typing speed.

And I couldn’t leave out the entry by our very own DoubleGomez.

It reads “Scary Monster”

You can see the full gallery of BLOCK entries here.

With the closing of one stage comes the opening of a new stage. JoJo Royale Stage 7: POP

The POP competition is for you to create a sign encouraging people who’ve never read JoJo’s before to go out to a bookstore and pick up a copy to read. Obviously, this only applies to Japanese bookstores, but don’t think you need to advertise in Japanese.

Funny Valentine speaks in such an elegant font

A little MS Paint and some elbow grease could put you well on your way to winning a few Stone Ocean Memorabilia: A diorama of Jolyne in her prison cell, the satchel of Stand Discs, the carrier pigeon that returned the Star Platinum Disc to the Speedwagon Foundation, and this adorable crocodile with a bow puppet.

You can post your entries here at the Google Plus page for Stage 7. The deadline is March 1st, 8PM Japanese Standard Time. Good luck!

“The Unicorn was Here!” Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI Released to Facebook

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/24 by OnePixelJumpMan

Is everyone ready for a fashion adventure?

“Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI” has been put out on Gucci Japan’s Facebook page ready for us to read. It’s a somewhat literal title taking place in an airport terminal. Jolyne’s mother has just passed and she’s on her way to Tokyo to live with relatives. She’s keeping her spirits up because her mother tailored all her clothing to fit Jolyne before her death and is able to stay with her daughter in some way. Before Jolyne boards the plane, she’s stopped by government agents Bruno Buccellati and Leone Abbacchio who are searching for a missing unicorn to return it to it’s handler Polpo. Yeah, it’s not really a canon short story, but I don’t think many of us expected it to be.

The story is a simple one with a simple conclusion. It’s actually so simple that I’m left wondering if that was the whole story or if this was just a preview for a more robust version released in the digital GUCCI magazine. Regardless, the FB release is interspersed with spreads of the characters, mostly Jolyne, in GUCCI outfits. You’ve seen most of them in the previews released back in December, and it’s cool to see characters like Jolyne and the Passione boys drawn in the modern Araki style. It suits them well. Nicely too, there is a small photo set under the manga that has pictures of the outfits on live models and some of Jolyne’s accessories like her luggage.

Give it a look. It’s a nice little JoJo story.

(Picture from GUCCI’s Facebook. © GUCCI, Shueisha, Lucky Land Communications, and Hirohiko Araki)

Saturday? It’s Time for a JoJo’s Explosion!

Posted in DUWANG, DUWANG PRINCE KING, JoJo's Year, Podcasts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/11/03 by OnePixelJumpMan

Little bit of a break before finishing up with GMX. Lots going on in JoJo’s world, so have a triple update!

First up: Since DUWANG Subs 4 is finally out, it’s time for Oft he seveen days periodf DUWANG PRINCE KING: The Third Trophier.

Come on! My enemy frog is right over there!

Second: Eric’s Wacky Tumblr Blog has posted a full version of the JoJo’s: The Animation Opening Theme. I don’t have an image for that, but this happened in this week’s episode and was cool:

Everything about The Animation was building to Josuke vs. Highway Star, but this is also pretty nice.

Third, and finally: JoJo’s Year approaches its end as we get framed and sent to prison! It’s time for Part 6: Stone Oc-
Third, and finally: JoJo’s Year approaches its end as we get framed and sent to prison! It’s time for Part 6: Stone Oc- HEAVY WEATHER

So yeah, it’s time for “OPJ’s Bizarre Podcast! Part 6: Look at All These Livers!”

Download the MP3 Here!
And The Internet Archive has started providing torrent links, so Download the Torrent Here!
Send questions, complaints, an requests for autographed body parts here!








Also, I couldn’t not put this in since we forgot to mention it.