Archive for Kill La Kill Episode 20

Kill la Kill Episode 20 “Far From the Maddening Crowd” Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/02/27 by OnePixelJumpMan

Oh God the face

I want to say Aikurou, but I could see Sanageyama

And everything is now right with the world

You think Goori’s upside-down or just has an overhang?

Oh, I want to show the last image of this set so very much, but it’s a little too heavy for a teaser. This is something you’ll want to see in the episode. Like I said, the warning stands ’till the end of the show.

You can see the rest at Garethbale.

Kill la Kill Episode 20 “Far from the Maddening Crowd” 30 Second PV

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2014/02/24 by OnePixelJumpMan

No goofy song puns this time. [Edit: Although there was potential for one. I just didn’t know that this morning.] No, we may be out of intentional goofy territory for the moment in general with how serious our protagonist’s new face and bed sheet is. Unintentional goofy territory, maybe. How this all goes down is going to hinge on whether or not Ryuko is going through the same sulk pattern from back before the Battlefield Trip. Not that finding out you aren’t human isn’t an understandable reason to sulk, but repetition isn’t a good thing. That itself might hinge on how fast she falls into Ragyo’s clutches as it definitely looks like that’s going to happen. Maybe she’s going to be the centerpiece of the Super Kamui because Ragyo would have done it but is too old or something.