Archive for Kosaku Kawajiri

All Star Battle English Version Physical Copies Now Available

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , on 2014/01/30 by OnePixelJumpMan

And it is about that time. The English version of All Star Battle is now available for preorder directly from Namco-Bandai. It’s ~$50 flat out, probably not including shipping, and is supposed to be a limited physical run. I’m surprised there’s a physical run at all because I expected PSN only. If you want the box that probably comes with translated manual, it is available.

Unfortunately, based on the screen caps, the game is the vanilla edition, not some sort of Super ASB with all the DLC characters packed in. That’s not really surprising if disheartening, but at least we are in the post however many patches it’s been now. They do not indicated any name changes that I can see, though they are probably in there. Only a few names are shown, and they weren’t the kinds of names that would be changed. You’ll have to check it directly.

[Edit: Destructoid has an article with a bit more of the technical specs including mention of framerate, patches, and western additions including a new arcade mode.]

All Star Battle Character OST Playlist 1

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

Nothing else is taking that long, so why would this? This is the full playlist of all the current character themes for characters that are not Iggy, Fugo, and Baoh. It does have Fatty and both Kiras. I think that means this playlist is more robust than the Star Platinum Disc because I don’t remember that having Fatty or regular Kira, just the internal characters. As for the tracks, they’re pretty good. I especially like the villain tracks. I wouldn’t have figured Pucci for the hard metal type, but I’m into it. Kosaku’s is good because it sounds like a final boss track for a video game like an RPG maybe. Same for “DIO’S WORLD,” though it’s a totally different type of music. Maybe that’s less an RPG and more one of those whipping platformers, but I like it.

[Edit Bonus]

While we’re doing compilation videos anyway, have the Nico for a compilation of the Situation Finishes. If a big enough group of other videos comes out, I’ll embed this one’s inevitable YT equivalent then.

I Want You to Get Back to the Rainbow in the Roundabout! ASB Manga Comparisons for PVs 2, 3, and 6

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

Not much longer now. In commemoration, JoJo’s fandom is going crazy. One crazy is that someone dug up and brought together all the manga comparisons videos for the PVs we’ve missed. I’ve posted the videos for PVs 4 and 5 before, so now we get PVs 2, 3 and 6.

They’re Nico, so I need to link them. Each of the pictures links to the video.

PV 2

This video has comparisons for Wham, Giorno, Mista, and Joseph, and most Joseph. He takes up most of the end of the video with his unique track. Each of these videos contains different music than normal. The ones from before I remember only having “Roundabout.” Some of these use them, but also other tracks. Wham, Giorno and Mista are all played over “Get Back” by The Beatles, but Joseph is played over “Eat It” by Weird Al.

I’m impressed with working in the soda shot. Giorno’s poses are taken a lot from volume covers. Wham and Mista have some interesting ones, but we’ve seen Mista before. It makes me happy to see the very smiley Pistols, though. They are so happy riding those bullets. You also get to see a few comparisons beyond the manga with Joseph’s sprite from the Part 3 game and some models from the Part 5 game.

PV 3

This is when you really get to see that the comparisons aren’t just to the original manga. It says “OVA Version Respect?” so it’s not confirmed, but the comparison is easy. It’ll more obvious when you see it in motion in the video.

The video contains the comparisons for Polnareff, Kakyoin, Josuke, Okuyasu, Abdul, Hol Horse, and Dio. The other characters get “Roundabout,” as per normal, bu Dio gets his own in “Lock Up the Wolves” by, who else, DIO. You start getting a lot more of the sprites in this one since we have so many people in the Part 3 game here. Also, watching Okuyasu getting hit in the face by a flowerpot is still funny.

PV 6

That picture doesn’t work as well if it isn’t a .gif. It says, “Is the motion respect for the Part 3 game?” So, again, there’s no definite confirmation, but man does it look similar. One other detail that’s nice is that the texture on Dio’s eyes does that flowery splitting before shooting the beam. Very nice detail.

This video contains the comparisons for Phantom Blood Dio, Rohan, Kira and Kosaku Kira, Koichi, Otoshi, and Enrico. On top of possibly pulling from the Part 3 game, we also see a lot of other pulls from places like the between chapter doodles, an album that Killer Queen posed on once apparently, and Otoshi’s jumps being based on general guitarist jumps including one used specifically by Eddie Van Halen. Very cool.

Oh, and if you’re looking for a little more Rohan, there is also this other comparison video made by someone else in a different style. It compares a few of the other same points, but also goes into the referenced dialogue as well as poses. It uses a few songs. “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” by Bob Dylan, some Boyz II Men song I don’t know, and “Dream Police” by Cheap Trick. It’s a cool video.

Three days. Just a little more push, and we’re good to fight!

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle Opening Video!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

So this is what everyone was praising so much. Yeah, it’s pretty good. I’m always up for jazzy music like this. The visual in the very beginning part with all the protagonists is fantastic. It is as though they watched the anime OPs and said, “We can do that. We already have the models anyway!” The style is emulated pretty well and looks very good. I do love the little detail that Tusk opens the way to the next part of the intro by prying open the walls just like in Johnny’s fight with Valentine. Joseph twirling the JoJo Crackers is always fun. Giorno gets a little glossed over. He’s there with his pose, and then suddenly Jolyne. The intro of the main villains is pretty nice. Seven over all, meaning that Dio gets to go twice, and the darker colors spilling in was a really nice aesthetic touch. And then it’s just everyone kicking some ass. Not a bad way to do it.

I know this isn’t the highest quality version just yet. I’ll replace it if another one comes along or if this one gets taken down. Ten more days, and a lot of you may just have the ability to watch it whenever you want. I take it anticipation is high right now.

(Thanks for mentioning the video in the comments, SStefania)

I Come from Another World Bearing Another Kira! The Valentine and Kosaku Spread!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/07/31 by OnePixelJumpMan

You can click the picture to see a larger, higher res picture generously provided by Giorno down in the comments.

Yay. Ever since Pucci was brought out, I’ve been waiting for Valentine. Since this is an ultimate JoJo’s super cross dimensional crossover fight, he makes the most sense to me as the ultimate boss. If there was a game story mode rather than a story mode based on the manga, I figure he would be the final boss considering his power. And look who he brought. From since he was announced, Kira as a DLC character was a point of contention, but now we’ve got a Kira packed in. You can see to the left that he’s got Stray Cat in Killer Queen’s stomach, so he’s shifted to a more projectile based character. That may not bode well for his usefulness in this game, but it’s good to see the full Kira power set in this game.

This announcement’s coming up pretty close to the beginning of August. I would say that we’re too close to the game’s launch to be getting any more new characters, but who knows? There’s still time for a few extras.

When the translated version of the page comes out, I’ll let you know.