Archive for Mankanshoku Family

Kill la Kill Episode 21 “Incomplete” Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/03/06 by OnePixelJumpMan

Sorry about the time. The source, Garethbale, has fallen behind, so we’re back to me taking the pictures myself. It’s apparently difficult to find HQ raws without obnoxious watermarks, or I just don’t know where to look. The quality on these images is lacking, and the watermark is annoying, so please bear with us until tomorrow when I can get the better pictures.

On the flip, episode’s good. Save that one thing, but… well, I can’t describe it without really messing it up for you. Just wait on pins and needles. It’s worth pins and needles.

Kill la Kill Episode 19 “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/02/20 by OnePixelJumpMan

“Get this off my head right now!”




You can see the rest at Garethbale. There’s a picture towards the end that indicates things are going to get weird. I mean Ragyo’s wandering fingers weird. In which case, Trigger, I understand, but you’re laying it on a little thick. That said, Satsuki looks like she might get to pull a Jubei Kibagami, so whatever.

Kill la Kill Episode 19 “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” 30 Second PV

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , on 2014/02/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

But that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turning red. No, I think having your still beating heart ripped out by your apparently estranged, megalomaniacal, alien possessed mother who dropped you down a chute because your genes were crap genes is a far better reason for that. Yes, we’ve learned the terrible secret of Ryuko’s parentage. I don’t think we’ve learned the terrible secret of space yet, though. Based on the little faces inside of the COVERS, we may this episode. Mostly, though, it looks like it’s going to be a tossup between the Mankanshoku family and Sanageyama’s old gang of goons. Or a new gang of goons. There’s some goons. They may be affiliated with Sanageyama. We’ll have to see.

Kill la Kill Episode 7 “A Loser I Can’t Hate” 30 Second PV and a Warning for Cosplayers

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/11/11 by OnePixelJumpMan

The PV for Episode 7 is out. I want this picture of Mako as my new phone lock screen so that every time I go to watch another few hours of inane YouTube videos, I’ve just got her staring disapprovingly at how I’m wasting my time. Like the “Next Episode” preview, this face takes up 15 seconds of the PV, so I’m hoping that the episode just opens like this, and we find out that Mako just managed to scape together enough change to buy a soda from the vending machine and is just paralyzed by choice.

Besides that, we get to see her brother do her pre-speech pose, so maybe that’s a Mankanshoku signature or something. We also finally encounter the leader of one of the hot topic clubs, the Origami President, and Ryuko will also run afoul of the Baseball Club. If this series makes a Rookies reference, I will fucking lose it.

Last time I did the SQ teasers, I padded it a bit with a small KlK cosplay gallery I found, but this cosplay news isn’t quite as endearing as knowing people are willing to throw caution to the wind and install pink LEDs in their nipples. According to this thread from Singapore Hardware Zone, the Ryuko cosplayer you see towards the back had the police called on her for public indecency by another attendee [Edit: Actually, the woman in question was coming from a church service being held in the same building and not attending the convention] at this years Anime Festival Asia. Apparently, the two got into a fight over the outfit and ended up making a big scene before police were called in. [Edit 2: No arrests were made, though the Ryuko cosplayer did not take it well, as you can imagine.]

We’ve apparently stepped into a dangerous cosplay realm in certain regions. I’ve been to a convention once or twice, so I can’t see it being a problem around here, but if you do cosplay this show, please be careful. Maybe consider doing a Sanageyama if you want to stay safer, though you’ll have to sit around while everyone does this at you.

Kill la Kill Episode 5 “Trigger” 30 Second PV

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/10/28 by OnePixelJumpMan

Still trying to figure out that Dailymotion problem, so you’ll still need to follow the picture or this link.

If you’re going to whip back to intense, you might as well get the name across by naming it after yourself, huh? This episode looks like a complete turn around on the last one. Right back to serious stuff with a little Mankanshoku family to give off a few gags. The main reason seems to be that there’s no humor to be found in our new anti-Ryuko soldier, Tsumugu Kinagase, who you may recognize from the opening. An assassin with a sniper rifle, a dour looking Ryuko, Senketsu jumping up and shielding Ryuko with his normal cloth body. Just a simple bra joke is all we get from Mako, and this looks like it could get intense. And I include Nonon in that because she only seems goofy on the outside.

By the way, since the KIK thread has been doing name origins, I looked up “Tsumugu Kinagase.” Almost all the characters have some sort of clothing related name. For example “Mankanshoku” means to be totally decked out in fancy attire. It used to be used in relation to warships, but now it’s used for clothing too. The “Ki (黄)” in Kinagase means “Yellow,” and Nagase (長瀬) is a normal family name.  The kanji he uses for “Tsumugu (紬)” means “pongee,” a soft cloth woven out of silk, but “Tsumugu (紡ぐ)” is also a verb meaning “to spin” as in to spin thread. Very nice.

Kill la Kill Episode 4 “Dawn of a Miserable Morning” Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Fall 2013, Kill La Kill, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/10/24 by OnePixelJumpMan

Man, do I hope you like your episodes Mako intensive. And I don’t mean that in the sense that there’s a lot of Mako, though there is. I mean that it’s like her character’s aesthetic started leaking into the rest of the show. To that end, this is definitely the most slapstick cartoony the show’s been yet, and it may be the most slapstick cartoony the show ever will get short of bringing Tex Avery back from the dead.

I’ll get the HQs for you tomorrow.

[Edit: Yaraon did this picture set differently, so you won’t be able to get much in the way of closeups this time, but these images, because they were taken from TBS, have something a quirk. There was a special report running about something and it made this happen:

Considering this episode, I could see Trigger planning for that. You can see more images at Yaraon.]