Archive for Masaki Andoh

The “Final Ultimate” Super Robot Wars F Coffin of the End PV 1

Posted in Super Robot Wars, Super Robots, Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/22 by doublegomez

That’s right, Banpresto really doesn’t know how to not be in the middle of making a Super Robot Wars game. This time their ending off the Masou Kishin series with a game that has an obsurdly full title, Super Robot Wars OF Saga: The Lord of the Elemental F Coffin of the End, or SRWOGF for short, or whatever other shortening of the title you want to call it by. Here’s the PV:

So does anyone else feel like the fighting is just really off? I know that they want to try new things from time to time, but with the way the animations look here it’s really weird. It’s like they’re going for a faux 3d prerendered/hand drawn look and it just doesn’t work because the movement doesn’t flow as well and the various robots don’t feel like they are actually connecting when one hits another. This is a really big issue because the main draw of SRW has always been the aesthetic which as time goes on has been less about getter and mazinger fighting together and more about making totally sweet battle animations. It’s the reason SRW is so popular and well, if that’s not present it’s actually more so a really hard and repetitious RPG.

Either way, this is definitely worth a look because it’s both the end of a saga and a bit of an experiment. Plus you get Masaki Andoh and Shu Shirakawa fighting together alongside the entire Ra-gaes group from the other Masou Kishin games, which is always good.

Look forward to Super Robot Wars F Coffin of the End coming out for PS3 on august 28th.


SRW OG Infinite Battle PV 2 and Dark Prison Intro

Posted in Super Robot Wars, Super Robots, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/23 by doublegomez

First things first, let’s get in some new characters for Infinite Battle.

Another PV, and a whole new cast of characters to be introduced into this game. First up is Lune Zoldark, pilot of the Valsion R. Logically she would be more of a long ranged character that might punch you…sometimes, but her robot was known more for looking kinda messed up, so she might be a little limited. Next is Irm Kazahara, pilot of the Grungst Kai. He would logically be more of a slow tank, what with the long rocket punch and giant sword. After that we have Seolla Schweizer, pilot of the Wild Falken. She should be a more mobile heavy hitter. Sort of a glass tank in the style of Akuma, if Akuma were a several story tall robot with laser swords.

The next two go hand in hand if you know their backstory. First is Leona Garnstein, pilot of a generic lion mech. She would be a faster robot with a bit of strength. She’s likely to be very balanced. Our last introduction is a big deal though. It’s time for Ratsel Feinschmecker, aka Elzam V. Branstein, pilot of the Aussenseiter. He would be a bit of a trick character since the Aussenseiter can turn into a horse. Aside from that though, he could be a long ranger with the occasional “ram gun into enemy’s face” attack.

That’s quite the introduction of characters we have there. I wasn’t really expected either Irm or Seolla since their fairly unnotable compared to many others, but maybe this is just a sign as to how many characters we’ll eventually get.

This is apparently being paraded around as an introduction video to the game. I’m not quite sure what they mean by that since it clearly wouldn’t be an opening cinematic, but it’s still cool all the same. The most notable part of this would be the two characters they introduce in the middle, Serena and Arbaad (I’m not sure about that translation). I don’t know much about the characters themselves, but it is always nice to see more characters added to the OF repertoire.

The other aspect of this that caught my eye was the section that showed what happened at the end of OG Gaiden. This leads me to believe that this game will elaborate on the trials Shu had to go through to resurrect himself after he was killed. If I’m right, then good. However, this is only speculation, and I may be wrong in the long run.