Archive for Minecraft Diego Brando

JoJo Royale Stage 6 End; Stage 7 GO!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/01 by OnePixelJumpMan

Another Stage of JoJo’s Royale is closed and the winner of Araki’s drawing desk is being determined. I think it might be because BLOCK was such a simple, approachable concept, but this Stage got more entries than any previous Stage so far. The personality and creativity here is really high, and what people were able to do is really impressive. Here’s a few of what I think are outstanding entries.

Typing on this keyboard will drastically increase your typing speed.

And I couldn’t leave out the entry by our very own DoubleGomez.

It reads “Scary Monster”

You can see the full gallery of BLOCK entries here.

With the closing of one stage comes the opening of a new stage. JoJo Royale Stage 7: POP

The POP competition is for you to create a sign encouraging people who’ve never read JoJo’s before to go out to a bookstore and pick up a copy to read. Obviously, this only applies to Japanese bookstores, but don’t think you need to advertise in Japanese.

Funny Valentine speaks in such an elegant font

A little MS Paint and some elbow grease could put you well on your way to winning a few Stone Ocean Memorabilia: A diorama of Jolyne in her prison cell, the satchel of Stand Discs, the carrier pigeon that returned the Star Platinum Disc to the Speedwagon Foundation, and this adorable crocodile with a bow puppet.

You can post your entries here at the Google Plus page for Stage 7. The deadline is March 1st, 8PM Japanese Standard Time. Good luck!