Archive for Mitsuko Baba

Mushi-Shi S2 Episode 3 “Under the Snow” Preview Image and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Mushishi, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2014/04/12 by OnePixelJumpMan

Above a man’s head, the snow is always dancing. And that frozen thing that’s always controlled that man has never been able to erase his memories: The winter memories with his younger sister.

Our storyboarder is an interesting person this time. Hiroshi Nagahama, the series director, is taking the role again from Episode 1. Our Director is also interesting, though for a very different reason. Yasuhiro Geshi‘s most notable director jobs come from either very heavy material, like Berserk, or much more over the top thing, like Getter Robo. Then we have the fairly normal Mitsuko Baba, an AD for 7 episodes of Series 1.

(Image from © Yuki Urushibara, Kodansha, Aniplex, and ArtLand)