Archive for MTAC Picture Albums

MTAC Devil’s Dozen 2013 – General Goings On!

Posted in Conventions, Cosplay, MTAC, MTAC 2013, MTAC Devil's Dozen, Pictures/Albums, Press Coverage, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/04/04 by OnePixelJumpMan

This is the album for just any pictures that don’t necessarily fit with the cosplay. Things going on in the hallway, panelists and their audiences, things like that. I would have gotten a picture of those weirdos playing with a balloon in the hall, but I was one of them.

Unfortunately, I didn’t come in until the very end of the geisha panel

I think the only reason DG stopped bugging me about going to this panel is because he’s blocked out that I went

This is Symphonic Anime Orchestra’s rehearsal set. Unfortunately, we had to miss their main performance

There are people on both sides of the window. It’s still only one line

This is Chris Cason from this “5 Best Dubs You’ve Never Heard of Panel”

Game room was busy as usual

I imagine someone way down at the bottom floor getting hit with those bubbles and not knowing what the fuck

Make sure and check out the whole album for even more. Tomorrow, there should be a few videos popping in.

MTAC Devil’s Dozen 2013! Cosplay Pictures 1

Posted in Conventions, Cosplay, JoJo's Year, MTAC, MTAC 2013, MTAC Devil's Dozen, Pictures/Albums, Press Coverage, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/04/01 by OnePixelJumpMan

This link will take you to the first set of cosplay images for this year’s MTAC. They’re all good, but here’s a few standout ones.

Ok, this isn’t really a cosplay per-se, but I love props

There is no subject you cannot cosplay

That is that guy’s real beard

These were the only two JoJo’s cosplayers at the convention

Apparently, I was one of less than ten people who knew what this was

He heard we made fun of Fist of the North Star during a panel

This is only the first set. There are plenty more to come for both cosplay and panels.