Archive for Old Joseph

OH MY GOD! It’s the Joseph Joestar PV!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , on 2014/02/21 by OnePixelJumpMan

I know it’s a PV, so it follows that the clips are the good bits, but the animation is looking solid. Still stylish, still colorful, and very sharp.

I think what we’re supposed to take away from this PV set is how we’re going to feel about all the new VAs. Today’s chopping block attendee is Unshou Ishizuka as the new Old Joseph, and he’s pretty good. He yells good, he sounds effectively authoritative, and he’s even got the goofiness down if that last bit is any indication. I think Joseph’s in good hands.

See you in a week for Abdul.

Stardust Crusaders Anime Designs Special Spread!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2013/12/17 by OnePixelJumpMan, that’s pretty good. I don’t remember if a super big character design overhaul was part of the changes rumor, but this should quell at least that part. Everyone looks good. I particularly like the attention to facial expressions especially on Joseph and Polnareff. I don’t see anything about voice actors, but that’s supposed to be announced at an upcoming event mentioned in that pink block on January 22nd. Seeing Abdul’s angry eyebrows only emphasizes how much I want him to still be voiced by Masashi Ebara, so hope for good news.

By the way, most of those times deal with the special New Years rebroadcast marathon of Parts 1 and 2. Far as I can tell, they do not deal with a potential air time for the anime.

(New HQ scan with confirmation for April 2014 courtesy of Vish in the comments. Thanks so much!)

[Edit: Oh, and here’s a fun picture from Yaraon comparing the current anime designs to the previous OVA designs:

You know, I’ve never watched the 2000 OVAs not through the Antfish filter, but I might want to to mine for Polnareff based forum avatars.]