Archive for OPJ Interviews

GMX Vol. 4! We Got to Interview Ellen McLain

Posted in Conventions, GMX, Interviews, People saying we don't suck, Press Coverage, Videos, Volume 4 with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/11/05 by OnePixelJumpMan

OK, so that big list from a little bit ago didn’t really amount to anything. We only got the one interview, but sometimes it’s enough. Here’s our interview with GMX special guest, Ellen McLain.

Interviewing her was pretty fun even if I had nerves so prominent I probably looked like I had branches under my skin. Still, getting to have a one-on-one interview with the person that has all the gamer cultural cache that comes with having voiced GLaDOS is pretty cool. She’s also got the really nice voice you’d expect from a professional opera singer. Maybe next time I’ll have a better microphone and you’ll be able to tell.

Oh, and buy John Patrick Lowrie’s book, Dancing with Eternity.