Archive for Parasyte

Fall Anime Season 2014 Outlook

Posted in Anime Seasons, Text Articles, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/09/27 by doublegomez

Every season of anime has a very easily recognizable image that works as a list of all the anime that will be airing in the near future. This season the image looks like this.

A few notable things are on this list.

Gundam Reconguista in G: The first Gundam made by Tomino since Turn A over 10 years ago. Young cadet captures a powerful Mobile Suit called the G-Self while protecting the Orbital Elevator.

Mushishi is coming back which is always solid. Ginko is still taking care of Mushishi problems

Magic Kaito 1412: An adaptation of Magic Kaito. A manga probably best known because the main character frequently cameos in Detective Conan. Kaito Kuroba is a teenage high school student who adapts his father’s identity as the legendary phantom thief, Kaito Kid, and unlocks the mystery behind his death.

Parasyte: The oddball this season. It’s apparently about aliens invading and one kid accidentally merges with one and uses his new found abilities to prevent human extinction. Sounds very much like Devilman, and that was pretty good so I have hi hopes.

So those are the ones that stick out to me, but hey, I’ve been surprised before. So let’s all look forward to the 2014 Fall anime season.