Archive for Persona 3 Cosplay

MTAC 2013 Devil’s Dozen – Cosplay Pictures 2!

Posted in Conventions, Cosplay, MTAC, MTAC 2013, MTAC Devil's Dozen, Pictures/Albums, Press Coverage, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/04/03 by OnePixelJumpMan

The second cosplay album is up! Go and give it a look. As before, they’re all doing good, but here’s a few standouts to me.

Asking her to take off her shoes to see if she had feet seemed rude

This may be what I consider the most impressive cosplay of the convention


Homestuck Cosplayer #4,700

I had to pay 50 steaks to get this picture

Make sure to check out the whole album for even more pictures, and thanks to everyone who cosplayed this year for some really good costumes. Tomorrow comes the general event photos. We spent a lot of time in panels.

Oh, by the way, because I used Shutterfly, you won’t be able to just grab the pictures from the albums without doing a screen capture. If you see your picture and want it, let me know here or in an email and I’ll either send the original or put it on Photobucket and send you the URL. Just let me know what you want.