Archive for Phantom Blood Dio

I Prefer Granny Erina JoJo’s Myself. “A JoJo A Day”

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , on 2014/01/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

I think it’s important to support people who can draw because I can’t. I think it’s important to support JoJo’s because I like it a lot. So when I get the chance to support both, the day is good. This SDio is from a young Tumblr by the name of “A JoJo a Day.” It’s a personal project by an artist going by Ryo to draw a JoJo fan art for each day of 2014 or more if she can pull it off.

The art is nice. The SD style reminds me of what I imagine a better drawn, not pixel version of SD Snatcher would look like. Now all we need is to make a more nonsensical version of JoJo’s held together with poorly implemented RPG elements, and we’ll be good to be annoyed while forging valiantly ahead in a fandom fueled stupor. Also, the quips on the subject character make me smile. Take Dio up there, for example:

Let’s be real, 80’s hair Dio is the best Dio. Look at that smirk, the smarmy little shit.

So show your support for an artist by checking in regularly here. There’s also a submission button and an ask button if you want to show your support in a more tangible way.

I Want You to Get Back to the Rainbow in the Roundabout! ASB Manga Comparisons for PVs 2, 3, and 6

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

Not much longer now. In commemoration, JoJo’s fandom is going crazy. One crazy is that someone dug up and brought together all the manga comparisons videos for the PVs we’ve missed. I’ve posted the videos for PVs 4 and 5 before, so now we get PVs 2, 3 and 6.

They’re Nico, so I need to link them. Each of the pictures links to the video.

PV 2

This video has comparisons for Wham, Giorno, Mista, and Joseph, and most Joseph. He takes up most of the end of the video with his unique track. Each of these videos contains different music than normal. The ones from before I remember only having “Roundabout.” Some of these use them, but also other tracks. Wham, Giorno and Mista are all played over “Get Back” by The Beatles, but Joseph is played over “Eat It” by Weird Al.

I’m impressed with working in the soda shot. Giorno’s poses are taken a lot from volume covers. Wham and Mista have some interesting ones, but we’ve seen Mista before. It makes me happy to see the very smiley Pistols, though. They are so happy riding those bullets. You also get to see a few comparisons beyond the manga with Joseph’s sprite from the Part 3 game and some models from the Part 5 game.

PV 3

This is when you really get to see that the comparisons aren’t just to the original manga. It says “OVA Version Respect?” so it’s not confirmed, but the comparison is easy. It’ll more obvious when you see it in motion in the video.

The video contains the comparisons for Polnareff, Kakyoin, Josuke, Okuyasu, Abdul, Hol Horse, and Dio. The other characters get “Roundabout,” as per normal, bu Dio gets his own in “Lock Up the Wolves” by, who else, DIO. You start getting a lot more of the sprites in this one since we have so many people in the Part 3 game here. Also, watching Okuyasu getting hit in the face by a flowerpot is still funny.

PV 6

That picture doesn’t work as well if it isn’t a .gif. It says, “Is the motion respect for the Part 3 game?” So, again, there’s no definite confirmation, but man does it look similar. One other detail that’s nice is that the texture on Dio’s eyes does that flowery splitting before shooting the beam. Very nice detail.

This video contains the comparisons for Phantom Blood Dio, Rohan, Kira and Kosaku Kira, Koichi, Otoshi, and Enrico. On top of possibly pulling from the Part 3 game, we also see a lot of other pulls from places like the between chapter doodles, an album that Killer Queen posed on once apparently, and Otoshi’s jumps being based on general guitarist jumps including one used specifically by Eddie Van Halen. Very cool.

Oh, and if you’re looking for a little more Rohan, there is also this other comparison video made by someone else in a different style. It compares a few of the other same points, but also goes into the referenced dialogue as well as poses. It uses a few songs. “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” by Bob Dylan, some Boyz II Men song I don’t know, and “Dream Police” by Cheap Trick. It’s a cool video.

Three days. Just a little more push, and we’re good to fight!

ASB League Quarter and Semi Final Full Fights

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/21 by OnePixelJumpMan

Much faster. Maybe someone put these up early last week and I just never noticed until yesterday, but we now have a Nico video of the fights from today’s stream. [Edit 1: And also two YouTube videos now] This includes the Quarter and Semi final fights meaning that we are now in the finals. The last match will take place a week from today on ASB Launch Day.

I know the AI matches aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but these are actually not bad matches outside a few of the normal hiccups. No one can pass through Star Platinum’s Impenetrable Wall of Fists, and Kakyoin and Johnny continue to shoot like the CPU can’t decide if it wants them on auto-fire, but the exchanges are a lot more active. Dio manages to put the hamper on Kakyoin by warping to him. He’s up against the green stone wall with Kakyoin both shooting and effectively trapping him, but once he turns it around with his Knife Heat, he rallies like a train. That knife super really hurts.

Jotaro vs. Koichi has some decent exchanges, though it takes more than half of Koichi’s life bar to get there. You will hear more ORAORA than you have ever heard before, but once Koichi manages to get in, there’s some decent back and forth. It helps that watching Star Platinum’s grab where he holds the opponent up by the scruff of their neck and then hurls them into the ground is very satisfying.

Dio vs. Caeser was probably the best one, though. The speed, the fuck your projectiles attitude that Dio has, the time stop. It was nice. Dio stoms all over Caeser, but it’s nice to see their close up exchanges early on in the fight. The time stop is a good showing. They handled very well the way that it works with the opponent moving normally as their being hit but freezing after the damage animation is over. Good detailing.

And thus it comes down to the touch of destiny. The finals will be Jotaro vs. Dio for the crown of the JoJo’s Throne. The final match and the game itself run a week from now. You can also look forward to a video of the whole stream officially from NamcoBandai probably somewhere between Friday and Tuesday. I’ve heard there are some more fun host shenanigans.

[Edit 2]

There’s the shenanigans. The beginning part is them using Johnathan to show off Customize Mode, specifically the placing of sound effects. It looks like we won’t be able to make our own clouds. You have a set list of words/sounds you can pick from and can mess with their dimensions however you like. No covering Johnathan in 「ゴゴゴゴゴ」 it would seem, though that one is probably one you can pick form the list.

There are two bonus player “fights.” I say “fights” like that because these are being used for specific demoing of moves and features. Not that that’s a bad thing. You get to see Johnathan’s alternate outfit as inspired by that one manga cover as well as a few combos from him and Part 1 Dio. The big showing, though, is our first look at calling Stairway and C-Moon. The way it works in gameplay is sort of like King Crimson in the Part 5 game seemingly without a time limit. Pucci and Stairway move at normal speed where the opponent moves at something like half speed. They can presumably fight back, but they are offensively gimped. It’s the reward for the difficulty of pulling it off. On top of being a giant target while doing that floating away, you also have to build the Green Baby meter up to call C-Moon in the first place. Pucci does have a move to build it, and C-Moon does persist between matches, so I see it being used for claiming match point if it doesn’t end up being too cumbersome.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle Opening Video!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

So this is what everyone was praising so much. Yeah, it’s pretty good. I’m always up for jazzy music like this. The visual in the very beginning part with all the protagonists is fantastic. It is as though they watched the anime OPs and said, “We can do that. We already have the models anyway!” The style is emulated pretty well and looks very good. I do love the little detail that Tusk opens the way to the next part of the intro by prying open the walls just like in Johnny’s fight with Valentine. Joseph twirling the JoJo Crackers is always fun. Giorno gets a little glossed over. He’s there with his pose, and then suddenly Jolyne. The intro of the main villains is pretty nice. Seven over all, meaning that Dio gets to go twice, and the darker colors spilling in was a really nice aesthetic touch. And then it’s just everyone kicking some ass. Not a bad way to do it.

I know this isn’t the highest quality version just yet. I’ll replace it if another one comes along or if this one gets taken down. Ten more days, and a lot of you may just have the ability to watch it whenever you want. I take it anticipation is high right now.

(Thanks for mentioning the video in the comments, SStefania)

“Is that ‘riiii’ spelled with a ‘w’ or a ‘u,’ Lord Dio?” Part 1 Dio and Enrico Pucci Announced!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

(Edit 2.5: Got a new picture from JoJo F2C, then immediately found the translated HQ version from HurricaneCrew. You can see the Double Dio now, and Pucci’s stands are now much easier to see. You can also read it.)

Against my expectations, we’ve got Dio Number 2. Or is that Dio Number 1? I guess it doesn’t really matter, but that’s another big time character set, and he brought a friend. Now we’ve started fleshing out Part 6, though Part 1 Dio’s announcement might overshadow that slightly.He’ll likely be called “Dio Brando” in kana to contrast “DIO” of Part 3.

If you look in the corner under Pucci, you can see both Whitesnake and Made in Heaven, as it will probably be called. Because of that, playing as Pucci should let you use Made in Heaven in direct combat instead of as an ultra or something like I figured it would work. How will that work? Will Pucci get crazy fast and teleport around insanely? Will it do something to the round clock? What if you turn the round clock off? I also can’t discern C-Moon in there, but it probably is. (Edit: Someone pointed out the text that actually says C-Moon right over him. It’s being slightly swallowed by the glare right of MIH.) That’s going to be hard to fight.

Also, NamcoBandai put out a new video as a commercial for ASB League. There’s also a character trailer during it’s second part, which is the bulk of the video. It’s a massive comprehensive collection of everyone we’ve seen up until this point and a little bit extra on characters we haven’t seen in a while. I had forgotten that Kakyoin had his move where Hierophant goes inside your body, and that Okuyasu has a move where The Hand just keeps stomping on you for a minute. Very cool, just like how Speedwagon withdraws at the end of the video.