Archive for Reiner Braun

The Titan 4koma Translation Collection

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

Looks like the preview stuff is running behind again. It’ll probably end up like last week where I’ll just make some nod to it during the teaser images tomorrow. Oh, well. There is some one piece of Titan based news.

Am I crazy, or is that the moe titan in panel 3?

This is the most recent Titan 4koma. I’ve been giving my tiny little translation effort at the bottom of the synopsis posts, but those were just text and came late because I’d do it with the preview of the episode after the current 4koma. Now, you don’t have to worry about reading it that way. There’s now a translation collection on Danbooru that has all the previous 4koma available and translated. It won’t work on this image, but on one of theirs, you can just roll over the text area and it will have a pop-up that will translate that block. Some of the blocks aren’t filled in right now, but they’ll probably fix that later. I’ll still remind you of one during the week if the preview pictures go back to a normal schedule ever, but I’ll now link you to that collection.

Hitting Your Shin Really Hurts! Cover Collection and Titan 4koma 17

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/10 by OnePixelJumpMan

Looks like we’re in for another long wait for the images and summary of the next titan episode. Since I we’re waiting, I might as well get the 4koma out of the way.


Panel 1

Jean: Armin… The way you’re always sticky hanging over Eren is kinda disgusting. I have to give a guy like you some thought.
Armin: Ehh? That disgusting feeling is really cruel.

Panel 2

Armin:     How would you say that to guys like Reiner and Berthold?
Reiner:    Ehh…!?

Panel 3

Armin: And Jean, isn’t the way you look at Mikasa the really disgusting thing?
Jean: Ehh…!?

It’s a gay joke. Jean’s second sentence I’m not totally clear on, but I think part of this joke is that what I read as “to give” is “やる” which is also the reading of a verb that means “to have sex with.”

But because that wouldn’t be particularly robust, let’s look at something else. Isayama writes a pretty dark and bloody story, so he’s got to keep his spirits up somehow. That’s why he gets by drawing gag cover previews for the next issue of titan. It’s easy to eat up any extra content with all the waiting you have to do, so these work especially well.

The classic “all a dream” ending.

The hard sacrifice of a true friend.

Mooom! I told you not to come in while I’m thinking about Mika- I mean titan killing strategies!

Mikasa Akerman, Battle Idol

Sasha will not stand for onion only soup.

And finally: The Ultimate Danger of Fleeing from Titans.

I gotta thank the titan thread for dragging all these up. If you looked on Naver, you could probably find tons, but I’ll leave it at these. I let you know if any really good ones come up again.

Oh, and yes, that battle idol Mikasa outfit is a match for the MMD model that guy made a bit ago. I’m not sure which one came first, but I love the both the idea that Isayama saw that video and though, “I gotta draw that!” and the thought that Isayama drew that as a joke and it took off like a rocket.

Attack on Titan Episode 17 “Female Type Titan ~57th Outside Expedition Part 1~” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/04 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s time for our first run with the Scouting Legion

It’s time for boys to become men

and for titans to remain inadvertently hilarious in still frames.

But I hear a rumbling in the distance.

And feel a pull of terror deep in my heart.

You can see more images at Yaraon.

Attack on Titan Episode 8 “I Hear a Heartbeat” Teaser Images and Character Skill Chart

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

I know you’re going to be excited for this episode. Because guess what?

Moe Titan is BACK!

There’s also a little Sasha time.

And Titan Face time

Eren tries to compete, but I know he’s not going to eat me after I see this, so it’s not as effective

You go your entire life thinking you’ll never cheer at what looks like a baby getting punted, and, yet, here we are.

You can check out more images at Yaraon. They contain some more of the serious pictures.

Also, an interesting chart came from a different Yaraon post.

Bertholt got a job as a sticker guard after being a soldier proved too strenuous.

Yes, but what I was actually talking about was the skill chart.

Someone in the Titan thread who found this before I did was nice enough to translate the skill heptagon. Clockwise from the top:


The images of the characters are the ones used for their profiles on The Yaraon post mentioned is as having come from an “Official Guide Book,” though I don’t know anything about the guidebook, so I can’t tell you where the figures come from, but it’s interesting all the same. I didn’t think of Ymir having such high initiative. Sasha’s chart probably would have come off better if there’d been one for appetite. I like how Armin and Eren have almost inverted Combat and Intelligence. Connie got the short stick with his shape looking like a smaller version of Eren’s with him only having the edge in Cooperation. Don’t worry, dude. I’m still pulling for you.

Attack on Titan Episode 7 “Small Blade” Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

There’s something about titans looking through windows that I find amusing. They just look so innocent, like curious children or something.

All right, maybe not that one.

This is the episode about closeups on dramatic or shocked facial expressions.

Except for Sasha. I mean, this is a tough situation, but it’s not like someone’s eating bread in front of her.

You can check out the rest of the images at Yaraon.

Attack on Titan Episode 2 “That Day” Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/04/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

I hope it’s still cool for me to post teaser images with this show like I did with JoJo’s since it’s been picked up for legitimate stream by Funimation and Crunchyroll. The episode is already out and Crunchy has already got it up, but for you Funi stream customers, the teaser images from Yaraon are out to tide you over.

I love this titan’s face. He looks like he was just caught by his mom just about to eat the human he was sneaking before dinner.

Oh, and here’s how cities work in the most horrible history

Now back to everyone dying forever

I hope everyone is ready to enlist because we’re headed for the military. It will be harsh and unrelenting training, but enduring it is the only way to “erase them until not a single one remains.”

By the way, I think the reason these teaser images are coming out so far past the airing, even to the point where Crunchyroll and some fansubbers were able to put out a translation, is because Yaraon is getting the images from the Tokyo MX airing. You’ll see the MX watermark up in the top right corner of the images. The episodes air first on MBS, and the guys who run Yaraon probably live in the Tokyo area, so that’s probably why.