Archive for Rudolph von Stroheim

Episode 19 “Race to the Cliffs of Death” Teaser Images

Posted in DUWANG, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/15 by OnePixelJumpMan

Ok, full stop: This is the best image set for a JoJo’s episode we’ve gotten yet because it contains this

and this

and this

and this

I’m sorry if you didn’t know about the full extent of Stroheim’s cyborg body. Usually I would hold back ones like that for just the link to Yaraon, but I couldn’t help it. Look how excited he is to be a cyborg Nazi. And that picture of Cars just had me on the floor immediately. I mean, I love Joseph and all, but that is the single best expression we’ve had yet.

These ones weren’t as stand out as those, but there are some other fun things going on.

A better version of a preview image from a few days ago

More stats!

Look at how little of shit Joseph gives. “Super blade coming at me. What, should I be impressed?”

My Stand’s Power is to Ask You to the Movies on Friday

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

Happy Valentines Day, guys. I hope you managed to get to spend some time with someone special, or if you’re like me and go around to offices all day, you got to pick at free chocolate for a few hours.

If you haven’t been able to approach that special someone just yet, maybe try breaking the ice with a JoJo’s Themed Valentine. In the time leading up to this, JoJo parody Valentine cards became a bit of a fad on Tumblr with a lot of entries.

First one of note is zeppelis. You might remember that she’s the Project Head of the JJBA Dating Sim as well as a writer and the official artist of Josuke Higashikata. Getting a peek at her art is nice, and I love Bruno, so it’s like she read my mind.

Actually, this guy vitreau read my mind because if no one had done a Shivering Heart Burning Heat one, I would have been severely disappointing in the internet. He’s got another set to round out one card per protagonist.

Aeonsylver definitely gets the prize for the most legitimately sweet one for this Rohan themed card. It’s paired with one of Yukako holding Koichi captive with her hair while talking about how they’ll live together forever until they die, but the Rohan one is still really cute.

And the prize for the creepiest one goes to emblybobembly because, I mean, I like you and all Dio, but the way to my fragile heart is definitely not by waving decapitated cats in my face.

(Noisy piranha warning on this one)

But the King of the Valentine Heap definitely goes to caesar for this one. Not to snub anyone’s artwork or anything, but this is really funny. More than that though, what makes this the King of Valentine JoJo’s is

that someone actually printed it out and used it as a real Valentine. I might be jumping the gun, but I think getting this from someone is grounds for an immediate marriage proposal.

Oh, and I wanted to have fun too, so I used that preview from earlier to make a quick Rudolph Von Valenheim. It’s nothing great, but I enjoyed making it anyway.

Episode 19 “Race to the Cliffs of Death” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in DUWANG, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/13 by OnePixelJumpMan

I was starting to wonder if they were going to release these before the next episode premiered.

Originally, this was a worse image, but that guy who uploads the Next Episode previews did get to it. Still only the one shot, but it’s really the only shot you need.

Oh, that Cyborg Stroheim’s looking so good. Sorry about that weird subterfuge with the title from last time, but Cyborg Nazis aren’t the sort of thing you can throw in someone’s face. You gotta ease into it.

The synopsis is awesome because it sounds like it was written by someone who’s trying to describe JoJo’s to a friend who’s never seen it before. The Red Stone of Aja has fallen into Nazi hands. Cars kills the detachment with the Stone in his pursuit of it but is stopped by Stroheim, a man who blew up to kill a previous Pillar Man but is fine because the Nazis can make people into cyborgs even if they’re at the epicenter of a two story fireball. Joseph can only watch as the two fight it out, but what’s going to happen when the fight makes it’s way to the CLIFFS OF DEATH?! I love this series.

We have a few returners on staff which is thinner than the last few episodes. Shinichi Inotsume is back from last episode and writing the screenplay again, Masashi Abe is directing and doing storyboards which is really cool because he also worked on the old JoJo OVA, and Hirohide Shikishima is the only newcomer on the staff and he’s working with Morita Minoru on animation direction.

It’s been a bit since these have shown up and it was only two days until the episode instead of most of the week. I hope you’re looking forward to it because this fight gets interesting, and not just because of the cyborgs and the lasers.

(As an aside: I’ve said before that my translation skills are not exactly existent, so I still use Google Translate to help give me an idea of what’s being said. It works well enough because I can read some Japanese, know the story well enough from having read it, and Part 4 trained me in parsing a bad translation, so when Google translates エイジャの赤石 or “Red Stone of Aja” as “Proof of Teenagers,” I know well enough to not post that Cars has given up looking for the Stone because he’s more interested in reclaiming his awkward high school days. I know that’s not technically a DUWANGLE, but I’m calling it one anyway.)

JoJo’s Episode 13 “JoJo vs. The Ultimate Lifeform” Teaser Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/04 by OnePixelJumpMan

Finally back on schedule. Episode 13 of JoJo’s has aired in Japan, and the subs should be out late this evening or early tomorrow morning. In the meantime, we have teaser images to keep us company. As always, you can find even more images from Yaraon Blog, but spoiler warning.

Do not interrupt Joseph’s posing

The Deadly “Ribs Blade” Attack with more stats

You can tell German science is the best science because of how many words they can fit on their grenades.

Looks like we’re in for another good episodes. I’m excited to see Stroheim getting into a fight since he hasn’t had the chance yet. Then again, I’m just excited to see more Stroheim ever and especially now that his hat’s coming off so we can get an eyeful of that awesome hair.

But hey, maybe Stroheim isn’t your thing, in which case I don’t even understand you at all. However, there are other things to look forward to in Episode 14.

(Images from Yaraon Blog except that one .gif. That’s from JoJo’s Tumblr)

“Pillar Man” Teaser Shots and USB Drives

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/21 by OnePixelJumpMan

Who’s ready for Episode 12 of JoJo’s?

Come on! Look how excited Stroheim is.

Yaraon has released their preview images. As usual, just a few picks. You can see the rest at their site with spoiler warnings.

Any opportunity to show this picture is a good one.

It even comes as a .gif

And if that wasn’t enough Santana for you, the Twitter has released that a malleable USB Santana modeled on him going through the air ducts will come as a bonus with the Volume 8 Blu-ray.

I’m not one much for figures, but the opportunity to have your little rubber USB man in a school or work setting might just be worth the reactions.

Episode 12 “Pillar Man” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

That was fast. I wasn’t expecting these until at least tomorrow night.

Oh, look at Santana down there looking all important. Well, it’s an episode named after him, so let him have it.

The synopsis is a little less coy about what’s going on unlike last episode where it was all about Straights and dealing with Straights like he was going to be a thing. It follows exactly the way you’d expect. Joseph is going to Mexico, excited to find Speedwagon isn’t dead, and Nazis accidentally get a guy out of a pillar.

“Pillar Man” is going to be written by Kazuyuki Fudeyasu. He seems to be from davidproduction having done the Series composition of and writing the script of a few Ben-to episodes. He also wrote the scripts for the original Hajime no Ippo anime and the Champion Road OVA. Oh, and you know, Monster. I think we’re in pretty good hands.

“Bloody Stream” Goes Live! Full Battle Tendency Opening Animation and Episode 11 Preview Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

Episode 11, “Game Master,” is out, and you know what that means.

Well, yes, but I was actually talking about that the new opening is out.

Official Single Album art from JoJo’s Twitter

This link will take you to the Nico Video version in case that YouTube video goes dead. You’ll need an account

Ohh, it’s good. “Sono Chi no Sadame” was awesome because it was hot blooded and really tailor made to be the theme of JoJo’s The Animation, but this is much lower key. May not seem appropriate at first considering how much hotter the blood gets in Battle Tendency, but it’s so smooth and stylish. They got a really excellent song out for this.

The animation is just glorious. Kamikaze went above and beyond my expeectations. I thought that the first OP had some good stuff, and it really did, but this is amazing. They did a great job keeping the CG separate from the 2D stuff, and both look fantastic. The charm of the characters, from Wham’s intensity when he uses his tornadoes to Cars’s arrogance when he poses in front of the moon to Joseph’s goofiness when he fucks up using JoJo Crackers while practicing with Caeser is all so well done. You look at it and just understand what Battle Tendency has in store for you style and tone wise.

Hope this tides you guys over until the sub. Hell, I hope it does until the single comes out because I’m not sure I’ll make it.

On top of that, Yaraon has released their preview shots of Episode 11.

Hey, they did end up putting it that in. Gross!

Wait, I think this might actually be a scene from Mad Bull 34.

You can view the rest of the preview images here at Yaraon, but spoiler warning of course.

JoJo’s Episode 10 Teaser Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/07 by OnePixelJumpMan

Today’s a teasing kind of day. Episode 10 of The Animation aired a few hours ago, and enterprising blog Yaraon has taken a few preview images.

I’d say it looks pretty good. Joseph’s chill as hell with a gun pointed at his head, like he does. You can find even more images of the episode at the link at the top.

Also worthwhile is that taking picture of the episode direct from the broadcast, you can tell because you can see the Tokyo MX watermark in the top right corner, is that we now get preview shots of the new ending sequence to go with our preview pictures of the new opening sequence.

Speedwagon seen contemplating how he’s now rich enough to afford walls encrusted with hands.

And on top of all that, we get to see that davidproduction’s pace hasn’t slowed a bit. Guess who gets to greet the new OP in Episode 11?

Oh yes. If Stroheim’s already around, that means that Joseph’s Amazing Disguise is also in the next episode. Also, cactus balls. If you don’t know, trust me that you need to waiting on pins and needles. I certainly am.

(Thanks to SuperRobotWarZ blog for finding the original article)

Taku Iwasaki’s Part 2 Score Revealed! Also, It’s a Battle Tendency Trailer

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/06 by OnePixelJumpMan

If you’re listening to something, stop. You can’t just see this. You have to hear it.

We knew that when Taku Iwasaki got attached to this project that the music was going to be good. Lotus Juice getting involved was also a serious boost, but if this trailer is any indication, they’re going to blow us out of the water with the score. It’s energetic, it’s tone appropriate. It’s better than I could have ever hoped for.

It’s so good, someone already made this. Also, that might be the best picture of Joseph ever.

And that’s just the music. The voice acting is top notch. When I heard Tomokazu Sugita as Joseph in All-Star Battle, I thought he was a little underwhelming. In The Animation, I can’t imagine a better pick off hand. Also, Atsushi Imaruoka. It’s small, but his hot blooded scream as Stroheim when you see the army is just beautiful.

I don’t think I can get much more excited for Part 2. I think if I do, I might blow up. Of course, Joseph would have anticipated that and positioned me so that I would blow Wham’s chariot slightly off course and into the path of his crossbow bolt. For those of you joining us that haven’t read the manga, just wait. That will make sense later.

“Roundabout” Lives! Official Site Updates to Battle Tendency

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/03 by OnePixelJumpMan

The reairings of “Final Ripple” are still going out onto Japanese TV stations throughout the week, but Part 1 is definitively over now that we have the new JoJo’s The Animation Website Updating to show off Part 2.

The new website has a handful of important new features and updated older ones. The new Character/Cast Page is now divided up by part and we have higher quality shots of the Part 2 characters. Much better than those quick magazine pictures.

(Official  art of Joseph Joestar)

There’s new information and synopses on the Story page, also divided up by part.

(Official preview shots of Episode 10 – “New York JoJo.”)

We also now have the interesting Introduction Page. It serves as just a quick preface to the crazy fun that was Part 1, pure insanity that will be Part 2, and will maybe end up being for all the Parts that follow.

Last quick thing of note is the changes to the Staff Page. Like with the Story and Characters Pages, they are keeping the information for all Parts and labeling accordingly, Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency being the fitting colors of purple and green respectfully. Taku Iwasaki has been added to the list for being the series composer, and “Bloody Stream” by Coda added to the list of openings. Most notably, though, is that there has not been a new ending theme listed on the official site. This means that “Roundabout” by Yes will continue to be the ending theme of this season unless that changes before the airing of “New York JoJo” or mid-season. I don’t mind one bit. The direction used “Roundabout” phenomenally throughout Part 1, and we’re bound to get a brand new ending sequence.

Battle Tendency is going strong! Give it all the passion that you know Joseph would!

(All images © Warner Brothers, davidproduction, and Hirohiko Araki)