Archive for Samurai X

Battle Tendency scored by Taku Iwasaki

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/11/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

The JoJo’s Anime has a Twitter. I should keep up with it, but I don’t because I can’t read it. However, someone on SA was good enough to point out a very important post that has a very important part.

This is the same tweet that told us about “Bloody Stream” and Coda. That part probably stands out because you can read it, but what’s more important are the kanji in the third line that go: 岩崎琢 or Taku Iwasaki. Taku Iwasaki is going to be the new anime composer when Battle Tendency starts on episode 10.

If you’re not familiar with Taku Iwasaki, stop reading this and go watch Samurai X right now. The good one, not that crappy Reflections crap.

You hear that? You hear how it’s incredible? These are tracks that have a permanent place in my music collection because these compositions are just beautiful. Energetic, sad, determination, and so many moods captured, and that’s just these two tracks. I cannot imagine a better source of music for Part 2 than this guy. I was looking forward to Battle Tendency already like mad. Now I can’t think of how to describe how much I want to see it. This is going to be amazing stuff.

Edit: Also, I have been hearing rumblings about a group getting involved with the Battle Tendency fight music. According to their official blog, Lotus Juice is going to be contributing to the Part 2 soundtrack alongside Iwasaki.

Lotus Juice is largely known for their work in the Persona series. Some of the rumblings I’ve been seeing describe them as the Persona Rappers. I’m actually not that familiar with the Persona series, though not for lack of trying, so this is new ground for me too. If that track up there is any indication, though, we’re in for an extra special treat. I don’t know if I’ve ever been anticipating something this much.


Posted in Podcasts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/05/30 by OnePixelJumpMan

Hey, remember that time we talked about a popular show because I made my brother watch it since it has cultural value as a popular anime? Yeah! That! Except it’s Kenshin instead of EVA.

Download it here!
Send questions, complaints, an requests for autographed body parts here!


Oh, as an addendum to this, I really have been reading the manga and it is better. The fights still have stupid crap in them, but they aren’t nearly as sluggish. Neither is the rest of the story, and the reasons for certain things that are ridiculous on the surface are clearer and sometimes more believable.

Oh, and Heart of Sword is an OK song, but jumping into fire as a way of avoiding it is still dumb.