Archive for Santana (JoJo)

I Said Buy the DVDs! Collection of All JoJo Blu-ray Commercials

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/30 by OnePixelJumpMan

One of the NicoTube channels has put out two collections of all the JoJo Disc commercials. One for Part 1 and one for Part 2. They aren’t subtitled, but you can pick up on the context of Santana being confused and Stroheim being as loud as possible. I particularly like Lisa Lisa saying you can’t become stronger without buying JoJo Blu-rays. If you’re going to have fun with a series, you might as well go full on with the commercials too.

Record Stores in Japan Must Use UV Lightbulbs

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/12 by OnePixelJumpMan

To celebrate and promote the Blu-ray releases on the 30th, Tower Records in Shinjuku is going to be holding an event. TOMMY, the singer of “Sono Chi no Sadame,” Kazuyuki Okitsu, voice of Johnathan Joestar, and Santana will be there.

Yes, if you ever wanted Santana to meet and eat you, all you need is a ticket to the event. Actually, according to the news post and the page, this statue went up today and the event will be held on release day; January 30th. That means that Santana here is going to be hanging around for a little over two weeks. I imagine that he’s cordoned off for the safety of visitors or maybe so that no one gets a hold of those stone masks for their evil purposes.

The detailing is really nice. I wonder if they’ll raffle it off or maybe make it a prize in JoJo Royale. Maybe the Stone Masks can come off and it can be a double prize.

(Images from Tower Records and JoJo Twitter)

JoJo’s Episode 13 “JoJo vs. The Ultimate Lifeform” Teaser Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/04 by OnePixelJumpMan

Finally back on schedule. Episode 13 of JoJo’s has aired in Japan, and the subs should be out late this evening or early tomorrow morning. In the meantime, we have teaser images to keep us company. As always, you can find even more images from Yaraon Blog, but spoiler warning.

Do not interrupt Joseph’s posing

The Deadly “Ribs Blade” Attack with more stats

You can tell German science is the best science because of how many words they can fit on their grenades.

Looks like we’re in for another good episodes. I’m excited to see Stroheim getting into a fight since he hasn’t had the chance yet. Then again, I’m just excited to see more Stroheim ever and especially now that his hat’s coming off so we can get an eyeful of that awesome hair.

But hey, maybe Stroheim isn’t your thing, in which case I don’t even understand you at all. However, there are other things to look forward to in Episode 14.

(Images from Yaraon Blog except that one .gif. That’s from JoJo’s Tumblr)

Episode 13 “JoJo vs. The Ultimate Lifeform” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/25 by OnePixelJumpMan

Merry Christmas, everyone. Hope everyone is having a good time at home out of the cold and got a good haul of presents. There’s one more to add to the pile. Even though Episode 13, “JoJo vs. The Ultimate Lifeform,” won’t be airing until next week, the preview pictures and synopsis are timely as always.

That look on Joseph’s face is just beautiful, and I know what’s going on in the last picture because of the manga, but it looks like Santana found some spotlights and just couldn’t help but strike a pose. Maybe that’s why Speedwagon’s making that face.

The synopsis is doing the fight teasing thing. It’s all about Santana being above the power of even vampires and how will Joseph ever defeat him when the Pillar Man regenerative powers are too much for even the ripple to handle. It’s shaping up to be good, and the fight with Santana is pretty fun considering the high levels of Stroheim and Speedwagon.

We’ve also got another new addition to the team. Yasuhiro Minami will be working with main series director Kenichi Suzuki on this episode. I swear I saw that name earlier in the series, but I don’t see him looking through the credits now. He was a storyboarder and the episode director for Gear Fighter Dendoh and Turn A Gundam, and those were good shows. Anyone who can capture the silly but awesome nature of a show like Dendoh and also sometimes Turn A is all right to direct a JoJo’s episode.

Hips Forward; Shoulders Back: Pillar Men Anime Designs

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Looks like that Ultra Jump with the cast contained more than the tweet said. Luckily, someone was nice enough to dig this up.

(Thanks to SA user Flashbang! for finding these)

Yes, we now have the official anime designs for the Pillar Men with their cast listed right along the images. In order, it’s Santana, Cars, Wham, and ACDC. The designs are solid, a lot of shirtless muscular men like I’d expect from the Pillar Men. Santana gets to show off the most of his body since he’s not ranked high enough to get really fancy where Wham is so fabulous he gets a unicorn horn because he’s fucking Wham.

With that, I think we have the major Battle Tendency character designs out of the way. I don’t imagine there will be a special showing for characters like Loggins, Messina, and Wired Beck since there weren’t ones for characters like Dire, Straights, and Tonpeti. But do you really need them? We’ve got a man with a unicorn horn and another who wears a Middle Easter style headdress without a shirt. I think we’re pretty good.

Episode 12 “Pillar Man” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in JoJo's Year with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/12/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

That was fast. I wasn’t expecting these until at least tomorrow night.

Oh, look at Santana down there looking all important. Well, it’s an episode named after him, so let him have it.

The synopsis is a little less coy about what’s going on unlike last episode where it was all about Straights and dealing with Straights like he was going to be a thing. It follows exactly the way you’d expect. Joseph is going to Mexico, excited to find Speedwagon isn’t dead, and Nazis accidentally get a guy out of a pillar.

“Pillar Man” is going to be written by Kazuyuki Fudeyasu. He seems to be from davidproduction having done the Series composition of and writing the script of a few Ben-to episodes. He also wrote the scripts for the original Hajime no Ippo anime and the Champion Road OVA. Oh, and you know, Monster. I think we’re in pretty good hands.

Battle Tendency Character Designs

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/11/24 by OnePixelJumpMan

JoJo’s Episode 8 is out and subbed today. We’re rapidly approaching the end and the beginning of Part 2. Found these through the SA thread thanks to user Perigryn, these are the upcoming character designs we have to look forward to.

Stroheim’s hat be bigger on the inside considering his hair.

It could be because I thought the Part 1 designs were really flashy at first, but I feel like these are a lot lower key than those, and that’s odd considering everything Part 2 has to offer us.

I skulked around the internet looking for where these came from and mostly just found references on forums, so I’m not sure. I assume they came from the same magazine that gave us the actor listing. It’s looking good, and with how good this most recent episode of Part 1 has been, I say we’re going into Battle Tendency strong.

If you’d like to follow Battle Tendency straight from the horse’s mouth, you can find the official Warner Brothers site section here. They currently don’t have these images up like they did for the Part 1 characters. They’re probably waiting on better official copies before they put them up.