Archive for Satoshi Osedo

Episode 24 “The Ties that Bind JOJO” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

Betrayal! Cars’s devious tricks have left Lisa Lisa on the verge of death. Now she literally hangs in the balance depending on what Joseph does, and Cars is using it to wear him down physically and mentally. As the battle reaches it’s climax, Speedwagon reveals the secret past ties between Joseph and Lisa Lisa because of the desperation of the moment. Oh, and Stroheim’s around with UV spotlights plugged into some of his ports, so he’s probably helping out.

Good staff this time around. Yasuko Kobayashi the Sentai Lady returns as screen writer, Animation Direction by Kenji Yokoyama and Hotani Yukitoshi, both of whom have done excellent work so far with JoJo’s, and the only newcomer on both Storyboard and Direction: Satoshi Osedo. Osedo’s a weird pick for a show like JoJo’s from what I see in his credits. Kobayashi made a lot of sense to me because she’s a sentai writer and JoJo’s is so flashy, but Osedo’s mostly done cutesy shojou stuff, not really the high style action stuff. Then again, JoJo’s is really pretty, so maybe it makes sense.