Archive for Shin Getter Robo

SRW Z3 Tengoku Hen PV 1

Posted in Super Robot Wars, Super Robots, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/12/15 by doublegomez

There is no such thing as too much robot action!

Alright it’s time for the ultimate super robot wars experience. I have never seen animation like this before in an SRW game. Some of the action looks just outright drawn and the moves look more forceful and smooth than ever before. During this PV there were times that I just sat there in awe. Most of the robot favorites will be returning in this, including but not limited to:

UC Gundams

Getter Robo Armageddon 

Aim for the Ace: Gunbuster

Dancouga/Dancouga Nova

Full Metal Panic/Fumoffu/The Books

Armor Trooper Votoms

And many many more.

It’s actually really impressive what they are doing here because it seems that the roster is staying about the same in terms of size, but the fight animations are just getting a complete overhaul. They are really pushing the graphics on this one. This looks like it will truly be the best Banpresto can make so I’m more than looking forward to it.

Super Robot Wars Z3 Tengoku-Hen will be released April 2.

Hideo Ishikawa interviews Ken Ishikawa. Ishikawa Ishikawa.

Posted in Getter Robo, Interviews, Ken Ishikawa, Super Robots, Videos with tags , , , , , , on 2012/08/29 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s no secret that we’re big Dynamic Pro fans, and by extension, big Getter fans. New Getter Robo was a really fun show to watch, I’ve featured it in Super Robot Awesome twice now only because if I did more I’d never stop using Getter, and stands as one of my favorite super robot shows of the last few years, but have you ever wondered what Ken Ishikawa thought? Well, there’s an interview waiting for you as done by Hideo Ishikawa, Ryoma Nagare’s modern voice actor.

Yep, it’s in Japanese and not translated. At least entirely. You may not have known this, but we have an English Dynamic Pro Fan Forum, Nagai Again. I should have mentioned them earlier because we need more members, but I’ve been hanging around there for a bit now. Forum member Kamon was nice enough to pay out of pocket for a brief translation of about half. Here it is:

’’Chougeki! Shin getter Robo, Ryouma Ga Kiru

Hideo Ishikawa (Ryouma’s voice actor): Hello everybody my name is Hideo Ishikawa. Once again, a new enemy has arrived. Now there’s only two episodes left, I wonder how it’s all going to end? With that said, I would like to present to you a special guest Ken Ishikawa-sensei!

Ken Ishikawa: Thanks. I’m Ken Ishikawa.

Hideo: And just like last time, we’ll talk with the director Kawagoe, thanks for coming!

Jun Kawagoe: Thanks for inviting me to come, I’m Jun Kawagoe.

Hideo: Did you watch Shin Getter Robo this time?

Ishikawa: Yes, I did.

Hideo: You’ve watched it? What do you think?

Ishikawa: It was really exciting. Not just exiting, it really had strength. I was surprised to see the powerful scenes.

Hideo: what does the director think?

Kawagoe: I’m very pleased to hear that from Ishikawa, it makes everything worth it.

Hideo: Me too. I’m glad to hear that Ishikawa liked the powerful scenes. Were they one of the things which you had extra focus on, when you wrote Getter Robo?

Ishikawa: Yes, It had to be convincing. As when the three machines combine into one, like I mentioned earlier; How do you show such an absurd thought, and make it convincing? What should the characters do? It must be the biggest challenge. When you watch anime it’s very convincing. In manga you have to show the Combination in frames, but in anime it can be shown so fluently, I think that’s very convincing.

Hideo: Is that something you’ve discussed with Kawagoe?

Kawagoe: well, we haven’t really discussed it like that. But when Ishikawa drew all kinds of designs, we all sat down, and talked about how it was going to work.

Hideo: How involved was Ishikawa in the plot? How many of the ideas were yours?

Ishikawa: They just asked me to make this and that character, and that’s all.

Hideo: Oh, so everything else were Kawagoe’s?

Ishikawa: Yes.

Kawagoe: at first, we wanted him to design the new Getter Robo, and we thought, he might as well design the new third pilot: Musashibou Benkei. And then the ‘’Kijuu’’, which arrives in the first episode.

Hideo: What do you think of Musashibou Benkei?

Ishikawa: They’ve simply taken Benkei, Musashi, and made a Musashibou Benkei.

Hideo: Yeah, pretty much. Do you also think that if you put Musashi and Benkei together you’ll get a Musashibou Benkei?

Ishikawa: I suppose.

Hideo: He’s also become a pretty memorial character, which I think Yanada (Musashibou’s voice actor) does a great job with. Have you used some of the ideas from Ishikawa’s other Manga?

Kawagoe: Yes, I’ve always wanted to make an animation for the historical inspired works of Ishikawa, like ‘’Juubei Shisu’’ I wanted to show the wooden air battleships in animation.

Hideo: Has Ishikawa watched that?

Ishikawa: Yes.

Hideo: I was very surprised to see flying battleships in the Heian-period, it’s unbelievable. Really awesome.

And that’s what we have for now. If you’d like to see the rest of the video translated, follow this link to the forum thread and consider donating some money. It’s something we’d all like to see done, as fans of Getter and Ishikawa.

And no, before doing this, I never did notice that those two have the same family name.