Archive for Shingeki no Kyojin

“Those titans sure put us in a hairy situation.” “I think we can fix that…”

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/31 by OnePixelJumpMan





All right, fine. Schick, the razor company, is teaming up with Titan to bring you licensed razors. Because in AoT, you use swords. And swords are sharp like razors. Also, possibly because Shingeki no Kyojin and Schick would start with the same sound. Yes. According to the official website, they’re supposed to start coming out early next month or in about a week. Yes.


Kodansha Partners with Crunchyroll to Bring you Crunchyroll Manga

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/10/26 by OnePixelJumpMan

Getting manga is easy. You could type “read [title]” into your URL bar right now and hit fifteen or so sites dedicated to that manga specifically on a slow day, but then you have to tangle with translation choice, and getting manga in good English is hard. Who gives us a faithful representation of the source material while also speaking in English that actually sounds like a person talking and not the result of someone rubbing the original manuscript and a Japanese/English dictionary together hoping for a miracle? It’s tough for story heavy series like Titan because subtleties in language can have drastic effects. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen speculation circling because of a line not everyone could agree on the language for. You make due, though, because you have to get your story fast, on time, and in line with the newest material because no one wants to speculate on things we learned the answers to months ago.

Not to worry, though. Crunchy is on the case with their new partnership program with Kodansha manga, “Crunchyroll Manga.” Crunchy will be bringing you same day translation for 12 popular Kodansha series including the aforementioned Attack on Titan. I’ve been avoiding talking about the manga because I didn’t want to ruin the fun for anyone who didn’t jump straight on after the series started, but if you liked the series and have been skittish about trying it out, you will now have an official channel with professional translators that can bring you a quality product on time. Good deal, I’d say.

Crunchyroll Manga will begin service on October 30th, this Wednesday. Keep an eye on it, and maybe check out a few of those other series too. I’ve heard good things about Space Brothers.

(Image and original post from Crunchy themselves.)

One Step Closer to the Titan Theme Sleepover

Posted in Attack on Titan, Fanworks, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2013/10/12 by OnePixelJumpMan

Fans can pull off amazing things when they want. You draw some art of Bed Time Levi, all of a sudden you’ve launched a product available on Amazon. Yes, now you too can own your very own Titan pajamas covered in our favorite alley runner it looks like. The pajamas come in long sleeves, short sleeves, pants, shorts, cap, and briefs. From the description, it sounds like you only get to buy one of the pieces, it says “you have a choice” and then lists them, but that would be odd. You also have to send your measurements to the product provider so that you get the proper sized clothes. You may be able to get extra clarification if you purchase them.

The pajamas are available now on Amazon for $78.00.

“No, Eren! That Titan Only Lost Its Main Camera!” Super Titan Cosplay Collections

Posted in Attack on Titan, Cosplay, Fanworks, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/10/05 by OnePixelJumpMan

In the wake of Titan season one ending, Titan cosplay pictures seem to have exploded in popularity. Some of them are a bit older, but a lot of new albums are popping up, and they’re really impressive. Normal people costumes aren’t too bad save the 3D gear, but when I say “Titan” cosplay, I don’t necessarily only mean Attack on Titan cosplay.

“I’m hoping he’ll take after his old man.”

“As a biking champion!”

It’s really impressive how well come of these manage to do the eyes.

And sometimes it’s kinda terrifying

Not to say there aren’t plenty of really good human character costumes as well.

Bread is one of the easier parts of the Sasha costume to get

And, as you’ll likely be at a convention while doing it, big bags of trash for Maid Time Levi aren’t too hard either.

And that’s just a small fraction of all the albums that have popped up because this update is really tall now. You can check out tons more for every character, titans and all, on Naver here, here, and here.

Attack on Titan Before the Fall Picked up by Mangastream! Prologue Now Available

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2013/08/30 by OnePixelJumpMan

And it begins. For the first time. Not that other first time way later on, the first first time you didn’t know about. AoT: Before the Fall has been officially picked up for scans by Mangastream, which nice since they’re super fast with their scans. This chapter that’s been scanned now is only a prologue, so it’s quite short at only ten pages not counting that inserted title card MS always does. This is a monthly manga like it’s big canon daddy counterpart, so settle in for the wait.

As for the story itself, I’m going to give it the benefit of saying it’s too soon to tell, but I’m not sure yet. The art is way the hell better than Isayama’s art except for whatever’s wrong with that kid’s face on page seven, but there’s some things that Isayama’s art did really well, like making the Titan’s creepy as fuck. The titans aren’t just scary because of what they do but also because they look like demented caricatures of happy humans while doing it. This titan so far just looks like a generic fantasy ogre. It’s just not as intimidating a creature. The story also feels like it has an odd pace and will have to work hard to explain things about itself, like how this will have to be why humans created the 3D gear but still managed to keep the incident a secret forever. I’ll at least give it some time to try and work things like that out.

Attack on Titan Episode 20 “Irwin Smith ~57th Outside Expedition Part 4~” Teaser Images

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/25 by OnePixelJumpMan

You know what we haven’t had in a while during these?

Sasha Time

Hmm, Sasha, huh? Can she handle the spotlight?

What!? No! It’s my turn! Petra Time!

Huh? What? Me!?

Damn it! They’re calling me, and I haven’t even had my post brunch steak yet!

Uhh… Instead of me, wouldn’t you rather see… the female titan getting shot repeatedly in the ass?


Not the ass! No!

We’ll save you, mama!

You can see them all over at Yaraon.

Attack on Titan Episode 20 “Irwin Smith ~57th Outside Expedition Part 4~” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/24 by OnePixelJumpMan

Finally, after many sacrifices, the Scouting Legion has managed to capture the Female Type Titan in the forest of giant trees. Since the original plan was based on the idea that the Female Titan may be a member of the Scouting Legion, Irwin can now reveal what exactly has been going on. But the Female Titan is stirring, and shelets out a ghastly scream….

It’s been a bit since this came out soon enough for me to really do these. Will you remember all the crew names? Crew is all regulars save one. Screenplay is Yasuko Kobayashi. Storyboards are by Sakomi Yajima. Episode director is Shintaro Itoga back from Episode 12. Animation direction is where we find our new face. We have the regulars Hitomi Hasegawa and Satomi Miyazaki, but they’re working alongside Satou Michio. Michio is usually key animation but has a number of AD credits including episodes across things like P4 The Animation and being the full on AD of Tokyo Majin.

(Images from © Hajime Isayama, Production I.G., WIT Studio, and The Attack on Titan Production Committee)

And don’t forget to check out this week’s 4koma over in the collection.

6 Days Left as a Species. Attack on Titan “Before the Fall” Launches on the 26th

Posted in Attack on Titan, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , on 2013/08/20 by OnePixelJumpMan

With the popularity of Titan, I guess a spin-off was inevitable. Attack on Titan “Before the Fall” is a sub story written by Ryo Suzukaze, a Japanese novelist credited as the concept writer of the first Demonbane as well as a few other books like in the Idolmaster series and the .hack series, and will be illustrated by THORES Shibamoto, the character designer from Trinity Blood. I found a few Pixiv pictures tagged as his, and he seems to be the type into overly elaborate fancy clothing.

Based on it’s title, this looks like it’s trying to be a prequel. That could be useful since there’s so many questions about the origins of things in the Titan world, but it’s also not being written by Isayama, so it could end up with us getting, “Well, that seems like a reasonable explanation,” and then Isayama going, “Nooope,” in some later issue. I think the safe bet, though, is to not try reading this is you’re not familiar with the manga. Probably going to be using information from that to form the story base for at least some of this. We still don’t know where the anime is going to end, so I’d read the manga before reading this even though it’ll probably be translated after the anime is over.

Attack on Titan Episode 19 “Bite ~57th Outside Expedition Part 3~” Teaser Images, and Titan AOG Gains New Character

Posted in Anime Seasons, Attack on Titan, Spring Season 2013, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Are we still getting slaughtered by that female titan?

Oh, God damn it!

I remember the good ole days back when Levi had one face.

When Hanji would touch titan corpses without thinking about it…

And then we’d spend hours rubbing ointment into the burns.

Yes. Those were good ti-

Damn it! I was having a nice flashback, you bastard!

You can see more images over at Yaraon. There’s also a big picture of all the girls in wedding dresses there. I don’t know what that’s about.

Just as a bonus, the Unity 3D Titan fan game updated. It’s now added a third character, Armin. Armin has his special move, this pose. I’ve yet to have figured out what it is that does. It doesn’t seem to have as much utility as Mikasa’s Jaeger Smash or Levi’s Helicopter Spin, but I’m sure it does something.

You can also see at the bottom that the guy has added a gas meter and blade durability meter. Blades will now break over time, and the gas canisters that propel you with the 3DMG will now run out. This may have been to stop people like me who would hit weak points usually by spamming hooks up a titan’s back, slashing madly until it fell over. It’s still pretty forgiving, and you can resupply by picking up face boxes like the above. The tough part is that your character will do a check animation after picking the supplies up, and that’s usually just enough time for a titan to make a chair out of your entire body. That aberrant you see to my left crushed me right as I was taking this picture. Oh well. Flying around is still fun, and chopping a titan down is still rewarding.

Attack on Titan OST 2 Preview Video

Posted in Attack on Titan, Videos with tags , , , , , on 2013/08/01 by OnePixelJumpMan

I’m not actually used to watching anime that I’ve read the manga for previously. JoJo’s may have been the first time I’d ever done that, so it’s fun to try and imagine what scenes these snippets of music are going to be used with. Since we don’t know how far the Titan Anime is going to go, there are some scenes I can imagine using these tracks, but I’m not sure those scenes will even happen in this run. The dramatic and exciting music is the easy stuff because you can just picture fights, the start of a specific fight springs to mind during M-04. The more dour and sad tracks I have a harder time imagining. M-05 and M-08 I can imagine a few moments for from the manga, but I’m not sure the scene progresses right for it. I guess it’ll all come down to effective direction.

OST 2 launches fully October 16th.