Archive for Shouji Meguro

Persona 3 Live in December: The Weird Masquerade

Posted in Text Articles, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/08/13 by OnePixelJumpMan

Movies are never enough. Let’s have a musical too. This is a flyer for what will be the Persona 3 stage play PERSONA 3 the Weird Masquerade. It will be a live action musical put on by CLIE, a stage production company that does this sort of thing including collaborations with Nico, beginning its run January 2014.

The actors have not been decided on, but key parts of the production team have.

Director – Oka Shutaro
Screenplay –
Jun Kumagai
Music – Shouji Meguro

Oka is an award winning director of both film and stage, garnering tons of praise for his originality, but the other two may strike names with Persona fans. Kumagai was the key writer for P4: The Animation and will be returning as the writer of Spring of Birth. As for Meguro:

Ah, that’s good. Meguro is the big time ATLUS composer who’s been working on Megami Tensei games since way back in Persona 1. He mostly makes the beautiful BGM, but he was also the composer forĀ P4‘s ending theme “Never More,” so he’s all ready for composing for singers. He will also be returning for Spring of Birth.

CLIE is supposed to be setting up an official site soon. Whether that will be a section of their main site or a wholly other domain, I’m not sure yet. Keep an eye peeled.