Archive for Smokey

Episode 24 “The Ties that Bind JOJO” Teaser Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

Smokey, look out! There’s a tiny Lisa Lisa swinging right towards you!

We’re almost at the end. The next episode is supposed to be the last one. To that end, this preview set contains a pretty big reveal. If you check out the rest at Yaraon, make sure you’re ready.

Hey, Joseph. You seem to have ignited. Yo- You ok?

“Pfft. Ridiculous humans and your being flammable.”

“Yeah! Being human must really suck!”

“Wait! I can still explode! This is way worse than being on fire!”

And there is the family history we have to hear.

Even Nazi’s can appreciate the love between an estranged mother and son.

We’re gearing up. The crazy to top all crazy is coming soon.