Archive for Soap Bubble

All Star Battle PV 4 Subbed! “I’ve taken the meaning out of your language.”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/23 by OnePixelJumpMan

I assumed you guys would be interested in knowing what they were saying. It helps me out. I didn’t know what it was JoJolion Josuke was doing during his Grand Heat, but the friction stealing is cool. Okuyasu calling Giorno names makes way more sense than insulting his topknot that he totally has. His classic style “uurrryyy” is also a nice touch.

(Thanks to JoJo Tumblr for being that chain link. You can see the original post here.)

All Star Battle PV 4! Father vs. Daughter, Gun vs. Gun, Vampire vs. Pompadour, RERO vs. RELA

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Yeah, that’s the way to do it. Can we agree that we’re coming into ASB with a little “who’d win in a fight” mentality? The moment Mista and Hol Horse were both set to be in the game, I was thinking about who has the better gun stand. But the stand out rivalry is obviously the all out cage match of Cherries vs. Cheese.

The gameplay that we got to see with the main showcase characters, Johnny, Johnathan, Will, and JoJolion Josuke are pretty interesting. I was wrong about what move I thought would be the On Fire Fist, but we knew it would be there. Zoom punch got my attention because it looks like it sticks for a second instead of retracting immediately. If it does, it could be really awesome for anti-air because an opponent could misjudge the time and still jump into it. Will also has it, so I await my match where we sit across the ring just doing that at each other.

Johnny looks like he’s either going to be the character that’s really hard to use because of his very limited movement when not on Slow Dancer but very rewarding if you can handle him or the character that caters to spamming because he’s going to be projectile heavy. That does follow; his power was shooting his fingernails, but I don’t want that to mean he’ll be the back-up-and-shoot-you character.

JoJolion Josuke I think is going to be the trap/counter character with that all based around the soap bubble. I’ve got to give CC2 some credit for what they used for his moves because you see him using a bunch of soap bubbles as a barrier around his body like the shaving scene. He also does that at a distance, but I’m mostly interested in when the screen goes black. That specific bubble will steal the players’ “eyes” by blacking the screen so whoever’s JoJolion Josuke can get a free hit. That’s going to be really hard to use for human player because it blanks the screen, but there may be more to it than what’s in the PV.

Oh, and Kira. He has Sheer Heart Attack, but that’s all they’re telling us. I figured he would also be a counter/trap character because of the way Another One Bites the Dust works and all the bombs, but it’s not in the PV. At this point, I think we can be clear that Kira is DLC only. The way he’s rolled in with the Hayato Memo Book and the specific mention of PSN in the text on the still intro page (edit: and that he’s listed as such on the official character page.) You gotta buy him extra. If you don’t want to mess with getting foreign DLC, you might want to import fast.

From the depths of silence Awaken thepillarsbeyondtimetogcouraofcrimood- … From the depths of silence Awaken

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

I love this fandom. Maybe it’s because JoJo’s itself gets really creative, but the fanworks are just incredible.

Give it a second to pick up. The moment you realize what’s going on, your mind will be blown. What really impresses me is that this could have just been the first part of the video and that would have been cute, but the number of stand powers and which powers they are at times this video is able to make use is incredible. It would have never entered my mind to use KISS, but it was so cool when it happened. See how many you can identify without using the tags as a cheat sheet. Hell, it may not work because I’m not sure I got them all.

All Star Battle PV 4 Preview Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/16 by OnePixelJumpMan

Now this Famitsu article contains more disclosure on JoJolion Josuke.

So we’re going to have an after battle grading system ala Street Fighter 4. Fair enough. I wonder what the quality is determined by. Maybe it’s your combo rating, but I could see there being a posing quota you have to reach to get above a C.

These images were taken by a Famitsu rep at the CC2 special even a little bit ago. You can tell based on that title card that at least some of these pictures are part of a new PV. Lots of JoJolion Josuke, who will be voiced by Mitsuaki Madono (Pizza in GaoGaiGar Final, Noriaki Kakyoin in Heritage for the Future, Toru Adachi in Persona 4.) What I really love is that the white version of his outfit, the most normal colors, is the alternate colors against the orange version. JoJo colors are so fab that alternate crazy colors are the boring ones.

But what’s got my attention the most is that Kira and Sheer Heart Attack are in this PV. When I read the Famitsu article that I posted before this one, it did seem to say that Kira was going to be a DLC character that you could get through a promo included with the first run of the game. But here he is in the PV like he’s just going to be around, so maybe not. Kira will be voiced by Rikiya Koyama (Shinigami in Souleater, Mamoru Takamura in Hajime no Ippo, Duke in Tales of Vesperia.) I hope I am wrong about Kira being DLC only and that he’s in the game proper. The PV that comes out on the heels of this should clear it up.

There are a few more characters and events bumming around.

RERORERORERO at the start of every fight

And there are a couple of displays.

The full display version of the special figures

And some demo booths. Go Josuke! Punch your ancestor!

Look forward to PV 4 soon.

(All images from Famitsu. Copyright CC2, LuckyLand, Jump, and Hirohiko Araki. Thanks to Goon Kurtofan for finding this)

JoJolion Josuke, Yoshikage Kira, and All Star Battle’s Release Date!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/13 by OnePixelJumpMan

Damn it, V-Jump. You beat me to the All Star Battlion thing. Anyway, yes, the JoJolion Protagonist, who I’ve been calling JoJolion Josuke though he seems to also go by Gappy Joestar in some circles, has been confirmed for ASB. There’s a lot of clutter going on in this issue, but if you look on the left of the page, you can see him launching the soap bubble and some ORAORAORA going on. They’re both ultras, and I’m very interested in what the soap bubble will do as a gameplay mechanic. DG and I were discussing that it might do something like lock some of the other person’s controls for a few seconds, like the X button doesn’t do anything until the effect wears off. I guess we’ll see.

If you can see him down there in the corner, regular Kira and Killer Queen seem to have also been confirmed, though they will be DLC only (edit: there’s a bit of speculation that it may be a unique Kira costume based on his later Part 4 look but that Kira will still be in the game proper.) He doesn’t have any information about how her works in the game other than that he’s there, but we got an extra spread about Johnny when he seemed to be snubbed last time, so I’m sure V-Jump will throw us a bone soon.

But the biggest news on here is the date under Battlion. August 29th, 2013 is the confirmed Japanese release date of All Star Battle. Now, that doesn’t tell us anything about a western release. We still need to hope for that when CC2 has their shocking announcement on the 16th, but if that announcement turns sour, we know when we can start trying to import it or at least start seeing some YouTube videos. There will be a special edition and a regular edition. The special edition will come with a figurine of Jotaro and Star Platinum, the soundtrack disc, and a special drawing by Araki himself. You can see all that stuff there at the bottom. Also, the first run of both the standard and special edition copies will come with free promo codes to download Kira and the Hayato Kawajiri Memo Book. I have no idea what the memo book will be, but it’s may help you not blow up if you find out about any dark secrets after playing the game.