Archive for Space Dandy Season 2

Space Dandy Season 2 PV

Posted in Anime Seasons, Space Dandy, Summer 2014, Videos with tags , , , , , , on 2014/06/05 by OnePixelJumpMan

I haven’t taken a look at what’s coming up in the summer season yet, so it’s good to know there’s something to look forward to. Took it a few episodes to really get going, but Space Dandy‘s first season was pretty good. Creativity, beautiful animation, genuine humor, style, various other compliments. It looks like we’re in for more of the same is a weird way to put it sinceĀ Space Dandy didn’t really have consistency, but that was a good thing since if something was a flop, it went away to give the next thing a try. As for specifics, I particularly like the return of Dandy’s surfing and the peeling back of Lady Liberty’s face to reveal the death skull underneath. That’s both because it’s cool and because the sound is satisfying as though the ship itself is sick of your bullshit.

Space Dandy Season 2 starts in Japan on July 6th. So we here can get ready to Dandy again on July 5th.