Archive for Stardust Crusaders Vol. 1

Stardust Crusaders Official English Paperback Reissues Now Available!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , on 2014/05/28 by OnePixelJumpMan

Did you know that Viz sends us their press releases? I get one or two every few days about manga and books and licensed things. Never got anything about this. So, thanks for tipping me off, TZA Tumblr.

That image is from Viz’s twitter because they’re officially rerunning their paperback Stardust Crusaders! All 16 volumes are available for purchase online now. You can start with Vol. 1 either from Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, or RightStuf. At RightStuf it’s the cheapest at a little under $8, but they’re all at least under $9 a volume, so go for it!