Archive for Stray Cat

I Come from Another World Bearing Another Kira! The Valentine and Kosaku Spread!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/07/31 by OnePixelJumpMan

You can click the picture to see a larger, higher res picture generously provided by Giorno down in the comments.

Yay. Ever since Pucci was brought out, I’ve been waiting for Valentine. Since this is an ultimate JoJo’s super cross dimensional crossover fight, he makes the most sense to me as the ultimate boss. If there was a game story mode rather than a story mode based on the manga, I figure he would be the final boss considering his power. And look who he brought. From since he was announced, Kira as a DLC character was a point of contention, but now we’ve got a Kira packed in. You can see to the left that he’s got Stray Cat in Killer Queen’s stomach, so he’s shifted to a more projectile based character. That may not bode well for his usefulness in this game, but it’s good to see the full Kira power set in this game.

This announcement’s coming up pretty close to the beginning of August. I would say that we’re too close to the game’s launch to be getting any more new characters, but who knows? There’s still time for a few extras.

When the translated version of the page comes out, I’ll let you know.