Archive for Stroheim

“I Suggest Trying Joseph! He Has the Best Zoning IN THE WORLD!!!”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/05/06 by OnePixelJumpMan

Hurricane Crew with more ASB news. This is a picture of a preview display case. Stroheim bids you good day and says:


Absolutely beautiful. Along with this comes a bit more information. There’s a little bit about alternate colors at the beginning as well as a few of the special interactions. That should include the special ones we’ve seen in PV 4, but there’s also Dio with Johnathan, Jotaro, and Giorno, like you’d expect, Giorno and Polernaff, and Jolyne with Jotaro and Josuke with Okuyasu, both of which I believe we’ve seen.

The most important news, however, is this:

“Every character will have their own line when they make fun of Josuke’s hair. DIO’s from the PV was one of those. I’m assuming they say that when he activates his super-armor super cause well that’s the context of him getting pissed off. A source has given some of those lines for a couple characters but I’ll detail those in the character mentions for those mentioned.”

This will be the best game. This will be the best game forever.

JoJo Vol. 5 Blu-ray Box, Disc, and Mousepad Art

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/04/29 by OnePixelJumpMan art isn’t out by the anime twitter or the official site, but like usual, someone, this time in the JoJo anime thread, managed to sneak a picture of the box set out. This will be the box set with episodes 13 through 15 on it. Like all the box sets, it comes with a bonus item rolled in. It was Leicht Verwendbar for Vol. 4, but we’re out of new soundtracks for the moment, so this time it’s that little Pillar Men Relief mousepad. A cute bonus, and maybe it can strike a conversation during office work or look judgmentally at you while you look up unscrupulous things on the internet. Wham would not approve of actions like that.

This set is due out May 31st.

Episode 26 “The Man Who Became a God” Teaser Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/04/05 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s finally time. Let’s send the series that’s brought us so much joy off with a bang.

Episode 26 is an episode of moments.

A moment of despair

A moment of true JoJo power

A moment in space

A moment of love

A moment to say goodbye to old friends

And a moment of hope for the future

You can see the rest of the pictures at Yaraon. Hope to see everyone again for our trip to Egypt!

Episode 26 “The Man Who Became a God” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/04/01 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s been a long road. Across the Earth, across generations, and it all climaxes here on a little volcanic island off the west coast of Sicily. Joseph’s suicide combo attack with Stroheim successfully airplane body slams Cars into the smoldering volcanic crater, but the Ultimate Lifeform is not so easily killed. He comes out of the lava with not so much as a scratch and goes back on the offensive. With half a cyborg, a red rock, and no anti-god ripple overdrives, what will Joseph do to overcome the perfect being?

Trimming down the crew as we head for the end. Storyboard and direction are being handled by Toshiyuki Kato, Screenplay once again done by Yasuko Kobayashi, and animation direction taken care of by series chief animation director Takako Shimizu. She’s also the one who handled general character design and some key animation on the ending sequence. It nice to see her sending off JoJo’s with a little personal touch.

Can you sense it in the air? That feeling of joy that we’re going to see the final climax, but the feeling of dread that this Friday will be the last JoJo’s until at least fall season and may be the last JoJo’s episode ever? I’ve seen a few people say how they both can wait for it and hope it never comes. I sympathize.

Episode 24 “The Ties that Bind JOJO” Teaser Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

Smokey, look out! There’s a tiny Lisa Lisa swinging right towards you!

We’re almost at the end. The next episode is supposed to be the last one. To that end, this preview set contains a pretty big reveal. If you check out the rest at Yaraon, make sure you’re ready.

Hey, Joseph. You seem to have ignited. Yo- You ok?

“Pfft. Ridiculous humans and your being flammable.”

“Yeah! Being human must really suck!”

“Wait! I can still explode! This is way worse than being on fire!”

And there is the family history we have to hear.

Even Nazi’s can appreciate the love between an estranged mother and son.

We’re gearing up. The crazy to top all crazy is coming soon.

Episode 24 “The Ties that Bind JOJO” Preview Images and Synopsis

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/19 by OnePixelJumpMan

Betrayal! Cars’s devious tricks have left Lisa Lisa on the verge of death. Now she literally hangs in the balance depending on what Joseph does, and Cars is using it to wear him down physically and mentally. As the battle reaches it’s climax, Speedwagon reveals the secret past ties between Joseph and Lisa Lisa because of the desperation of the moment. Oh, and Stroheim’s around with UV spotlights plugged into some of his ports, so he’s probably helping out.

Good staff this time around. Yasuko Kobayashi the Sentai Lady returns as screen writer, Animation Direction by Kenji Yokoyama and Hotani Yukitoshi, both of whom have done excellent work so far with JoJo’s, and the only newcomer on both Storyboard and Direction: Satoshi Osedo. Osedo’s a weird pick for a show like JoJo’s from what I see in his credits. Kobayashi made a lot of sense to me because she’s a sentai writer and JoJo’s is so flashy, but Osedo’s mostly done cutesy shojou stuff, not really the high style action stuff. Then again, JoJo’s is really pretty, so maybe it makes sense.

Episode 23 “Warrior Returns to the Wind” Teaser Images

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/15 by OnePixelJumpMan

Before we start, New Joseph Face:

Lookin’ good as always

All right, now that that’s out of the way, it’s time for the reunion episode. Everyone is here!

Stroheim is back with a reinforced stomach

And he brought Speedwagon along for the ride.

Cars is so excited he let his hair down and kicked the shine into high gear

It may help that he found that free leg lying around

Wham’s a little upset that he clawed his eyes out before getting to see the group again

And Lisa Lisa’s really looking down on herself for not being able to tell him

All in all, though, it’s still fun. A bunch of old comrades and enemies coming together for one last gathering before the gods of old rise up to destroy humanity with their perfect bodies. Good times. Good times.

(You can see the rest at Yaraon, but spoiler warnings)

No Violence EVER! An Analysis of Anime Self Censoship

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/21 by OnePixelJumpMan

So how do you feel about those violence filled blu-ray changes?

Did you ever wonder why those were censored in the first place? Anime gets violent all the time even now. There was a conversation going on in one of my internet lurking spots where a clip of Blood-C came up, and the violence in that was brutal to the point of being cartoonish. Those might have been DVD clips too, but violence is prevalent in anime. JoJo’s even airs at midnight. So why the censorship?

It turns out that just because kids might not see your violent Nazi battles doesn’t mean you don’t have to try anyway. The image linked Ure article sheds a little light on the decision to censor things like the intense violence and Stroheim’s Nazi connection. I hadn’t thought about it watching the episodes, but if you look at Stroheim across the episodes, his connections to Nazi Germany are a bit muted. It’s obvious because he’s a big wig military man from Germany in the 1930s, but he has iron eagles instead of swastikas, a more ubiquitous symbol of Nazi Germany. You also may remember this from Episode 19.

That is clearly a Nazi salute, but they covered it with the dark cross section used to cover up heavy violence. So why is that?

Well, it a self imposed censorship. The Q&A session with the anonymous Mr. T talks about why and reveals that it’s pretty much exactly why you’d think. JoJo’s does air at midnight, but because it airs on Saturday at midnight, there’s still a possibility that grade school age children will see it because they don’t need to go to bed. If the kids see it and it becomes an issue for the station, sponsors start pulling out. Sponsors pull out, then the show might have to pull out. It’s just safer in the long run to censor these things and give the full version in blu-rays that have to be bought instead of being randomly caught in the middle of the night.

But JoJo’s was always violent. Why wasn’t it a problem in publication when Araki did it? It’s because manga authors have a little more freedom in their expression. It comes back to that “have to be bought” thing. You have to go out and buy manga, but any TV can be watched so long as you get the channel the show is on. There’s a mentality of having to “protect the audience” by TV stations, and davidproduction can’t sell places like Tokyo MX a show that’s going to give rise to a scenario like the aforementioned.

The terms of self regulation are obviously up to whoever’s doing it, but there are some agreed upon standards. Discriminatory language, langauge against human rights, anything that might physically harm someone like the Porygon incident, and sexual violence and some levels of smoking and drinking. I’m starting to feel like a kid watching Toonami again and hearing anime fans complain about beer being edited into juice. Mr. T also mentions wanting to be cautious about religious talk, and that makes me wonder how all those Christian symbol heavy vampire shows get made.

Of course, those are older mostly. Mr. T closes the interview mentioning that regulation both internal and external has increased and may continue to, though there may also be some point in the future where there will be an agreed upon, ridged border when adapting a work. Regardless, they want to always make best possible show even if there is controversy among the fans.

Man, that got long. You can check out the original article for a little more fleshing out. This sort of stuff apparently also happened to some part of One Piece where some characters were starving on a desert island. Guess violent times are hard on the cartoon industry all over.

(Thanks to Yaraon for pointing me in the original article’s direction)

Episode 19 “Race to the Cliffs of Death” Teaser Images

Posted in DUWANG, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/15 by OnePixelJumpMan

Ok, full stop: This is the best image set for a JoJo’s episode we’ve gotten yet because it contains this

and this

and this

and this

I’m sorry if you didn’t know about the full extent of Stroheim’s cyborg body. Usually I would hold back ones like that for just the link to Yaraon, but I couldn’t help it. Look how excited he is to be a cyborg Nazi. And that picture of Cars just had me on the floor immediately. I mean, I love Joseph and all, but that is the single best expression we’ve had yet.

These ones weren’t as stand out as those, but there are some other fun things going on.

A better version of a preview image from a few days ago

More stats!

Look at how little of shit Joseph gives. “Super blade coming at me. What, should I be impressed?”

My Stand’s Power is to Ask You to the Movies on Friday

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/14 by OnePixelJumpMan

Happy Valentines Day, guys. I hope you managed to get to spend some time with someone special, or if you’re like me and go around to offices all day, you got to pick at free chocolate for a few hours.

If you haven’t been able to approach that special someone just yet, maybe try breaking the ice with a JoJo’s Themed Valentine. In the time leading up to this, JoJo parody Valentine cards became a bit of a fad on Tumblr with a lot of entries.

First one of note is zeppelis. You might remember that she’s the Project Head of the JJBA Dating Sim as well as a writer and the official artist of Josuke Higashikata. Getting a peek at her art is nice, and I love Bruno, so it’s like she read my mind.

Actually, this guy vitreau read my mind because if no one had done a Shivering Heart Burning Heat one, I would have been severely disappointing in the internet. He’s got another set to round out one card per protagonist.

Aeonsylver definitely gets the prize for the most legitimately sweet one for this Rohan themed card. It’s paired with one of Yukako holding Koichi captive with her hair while talking about how they’ll live together forever until they die, but the Rohan one is still really cute.

And the prize for the creepiest one goes to emblybobembly because, I mean, I like you and all Dio, but the way to my fragile heart is definitely not by waving decapitated cats in my face.

(Noisy piranha warning on this one)

But the King of the Valentine Heap definitely goes to caesar for this one. Not to snub anyone’s artwork or anything, but this is really funny. More than that though, what makes this the King of Valentine JoJo’s is

that someone actually printed it out and used it as a real Valentine. I might be jumping the gun, but I think getting this from someone is grounds for an immediate marriage proposal.

Oh, and I wanted to have fun too, so I used that preview from earlier to make a quick Rudolph Von Valenheim. It’s nothing great, but I enjoyed making it anyway.