Archive for The Bangles

Stardust Crusaders Episode 3 “DIO’s Curse” Teasers, ED Confirmation, and Blu-ray Episode Count Confirmation!

Posted in Anime Seasons, JoJo's Year, Spring 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/04/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Joseph Joestar knows how to look sharp regardless of dying family members

We’re a little busy with it being MTAC weekend, so this will be sparse, but I wasn’t going to leave you guys high and dry on JoJo’s Friday.

3 things: You can see the rest of the images at Yaraon as always; The ED has been confirmed as “Walk Like an Egyptian” by The Bangles. I’ll get a video of the sequence as soon as I find it; and the Blu-rays this season will be 4 episodes per instead of 2. Thanks for posting that one JoJo thread.

We’ll get back to you soon with con photos. I’ve already found a Jotaro, so I’m considering this a success so far.