Archive for Toshiyuki Morikawa

SRW OG Break Down: Kyosuke Nanbu

Posted in Super Robot Wars, Super Robots, Videos, Voice Actors with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/09/16 by doublegomez

So, this is just a little idea that’s been running around in my head for a few months, and with the trailer for two new OG games, I figured I might as well start doing this. SRW OG Break Down will be a little series i do where about once a week i showcase the awesomeness that is the Original Generations cast, normally one character per post, with a few exceptions. Today’s character is Kyosuke Nanbu and his robot the Alt Eisen.

Kyosuke is one of the most prominent characters in the OG series His first appearance was in SRW Compact part 1. In the context of the Original Generation timeline, Kyosuke is a 22 year old pilot that tends to be the cool, calm, and reserved guy that rarely shows emotion. He’s a formidable pilot because the Alt Eisen Reise is designed to heavily tank anything in his way. His biggest flaw is his terrible gambling habit that tends to affect his fighting habits since he bets on the lowest possible odds in a fight. It’s during those times that an oddly hot-blooded pilot begins to emerge from his calm exterior.

His robot, the Alt Eisen Reise, has the best design philosophy among all robots in the OG series. “You know those spare robot legs we got…let’s put a bunch of guns on them.” There was even a point where Kyosuke thought it wasn’t strong enough, so he made plans to put more guns on it. Seriously, the robot is about 22 meters tall and weighs about 100 tons. To put that in perspective, Combattle V weighed 100 tons, but was 2.5 times as tall. It’s so heavy that it needs a flight module, called a tesla drive, in order to stand up without collapsing into itself. But man it it isn’t worth it, just look at what this thing can do.

So why is Kyosuke so awesome? Well, aside from the moves above that are so awesome my brain explodes evertime I see them, he’s just a pretty cool character. Seriously, no one other than Kyosuke can say the word “bunker” and make it sound threatening. His VA, Toshiyuki Morikawa, is really good at voicing him. He sounds cool and collected, but when it’s time to get  hot blooded, he can do it like no other. It helps to note that Morikawa voice D-boy from Tekkaman Blade, a role that has led him to scream so loudly he broke the microphone… twice, so you know he’s an experienced robot pilot voice actor.

Aside from that though, Kyosuke Nanbu is just one of the more memorable OG characters. He’s cool, sounds intense, has one of the best moves ever, and has a rockin’ theme. He’s a mainstay of the series, and it’s always good to see him included in characters lists.

Look forward to seeing Kyosuke Nanbu in SRW OG Infinite Battle.

Someone Get that Phone, I’m Trying to Do My Kiai! All Star Battle PV 5 HD Video!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/10 by OnePixelJumpMan

In glorious 1080 HD just for us. This is only the first half of the presentation from back on Sunday. The presentation of the new characters, modes, costumes and what have you all presented by a gloriously yelling Yuji Ueda.

Seeing this in HD is great because there’s a lot of details I didn’t pick up from the camcorder one. There’s obviously the voices. Sheer Heart Attack yelling at you to look at him right as it blows you up is a great touch. Hiroshi Kamiya sounds younger that I would have expected for Rohan. Romi Park was a fantastic Koichi pick. Yuuko Sanpei as Narancia, Noriaki Sugiyama as Bruno, and Toshiyuki Morikawa (Kyosuke Nanbu oh my god) as Diavolo are all doing excellent work with their characters too. I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one thinking teleporting for how to use King Crimson in a fighting game. And as much as I liked the transition from Doppio to Diavolo before, seeing now that he was using the frog phone makes it so much better.

I never thought I’d be so excited over Diavolo. I mean, pulling people into the Zipper Dimension is going to be totally awesome, and any time I play Cars will be 10% becoming Ultimate Cars and 10000% squirrel shoot, but I’ve got to see the look on some of the new fans who’re coming in from the anime when the Boss lets me know he wants on this fight from his special hot frog line. I wonder if it’ll change and not always be the frog. Maybe we’ll also get the ice cream!

This game is getting better by the moment. Next stop is should be the new character reveal on the 19th after a slight detour to get a subbed version of this trailer. The blanked picture had the Part 1 background, but I’m really hoping for the Part 6 characters next. Look forward to it!


There it is. PV 5 is already subbed in a show of top level fan speed. Oh, Speedwagon, you’re so charismatic. He basically says everything I want to say about the trailer but with that unique energy you only get from him.

The excitement’s rising, and this game can’t be in my hands soon enough!

2nd Super Robot Wars OG First Videos.

Posted in Super Robots with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/11/29 by doublegomez

With all this Jojo’s news going around lately, It’s almost like we’ve forgotten about our favorite super robot genre. Can’t have any of that, so I’m glad to announce that 2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generations has been released today.

As some of you may know, the Original Generations was a spin off series made entirely about the original characters that Banpresto has made in the Super Robot Wars series. It was basically Banpresto saying, “Liscense Getter Robo? Nah. We have all the robots we need.”

A lot of important headliners are returning for OG2 including personal favorite Kyosuke Nanbu (voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa) piloting his Alt Eisen.

I don’t think anything will ever top the way he segues into Revolver Bunker a the end.

With the game released today, we have a whole mess of new gameplay footage. Unfortunately, we can’t embed them because the site doesn’t have the code and they’re up to a massive 11 hours long. Each.
(Thanks to the Super Robot WarZ blog for the video links.)

These behemoth videos do have a lot of downtime in them, but they do show a large part of the game. Most gameplay aspects are kept intact, and the battle system works the same way as it did in OG Gaiden. But do you come to Super Robot Wars for the intense strategy? Well, maybe, but I think we can all get behind Banpresto’s awesome battle animations.

The best method of attack, never stop hitting the enemy.

This is the G Compatible Kaiser’s Rival, G Bankaran. He sure knows how to Fist of the North Star his way through a robot. It helps that he does it while holding the other robot up by the neck, making it even more awesome.

If you want to keep up with the all attacks videos that are sure to come out, you can follow their release at BassGSnewtype’s youtube channel.