Archive for Vedetta Marie

MTAC 2014 All Guest Interviews by Heavy Metal Hobbit!

Posted in Conventions, Interviews, MTAC, MTAC 2014, Press Coverage, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/11 by OnePixelJumpMan

I told you there’d probably be more MTAC material. It’s just lucky that someone out there is better at this than us and made a whole lot more. The crew of Heavy Metal Hobbit was nice enough to share all the interviews they did with 7 of the special guests for this years convention, and they are comprehensive. The shortest one is Chii Sakurabi’s at 15 minutes with others reaching close to 40 minutes. Give them an audience. They did a lot of hard work.

MTAC Press Confirmed! Interview Questions Request Number 2!

Posted in Conventions, Interviews, MTAC, MTAC 2014, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/03/08 by OnePixelJumpMan

We finally got it. Our confirmation as MTAC 2014 press just came. We’re set up to get all the pictures, all the panels, and all the interviews that are interesting to us and maybe also interesting to you. I posited this back when we first applied, but we’ll be accepting interview questions for the special guests for as long as we can. If I check the email a few minutes before the interview and it has a new questions, I will work that question in. Here’s the full guest list again.

Links go to their MTAC Guest page. If you have any questions for them, any at all, leave a comment, send an email using the mail slot on the main sidebar menu, and we’ll try to work it in. Even for people we don’t presently intend to interview. If there’s enough questions, we’re good to go. I would say we need in the area of about seven to make a full interview. Just don’t be a jerk.

MTAC is the 3rd weekend of April. I hope that Deunan Knute and Briareos come again. Those costumes, especially the Briareos head, were incredible.

MTAC 2014 “MTAC in Love” Guest List and Question Request

Posted in Conventions, Interviews, MTAC, MTAC 2014, Text Articles, Voice Actors with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/01/17 by OnePixelJumpMan

As the ice thaws and the air warms, all the little anime fans are wriggling their way out of warm blankets to greet the world in ridiculous costumes that may or may not resemble those of famous anime characters. As people like that need to be contained so eyes wounded by over-saturation can be kept to a minimum, we have anime conventions, and thus the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention or MTAC.

Only kidding of course. I’m planning my own impractical and over-saturated costume as we speak, but that’s not the only thing to plan. If you’ve been around long enough, you may remember that we’ve been special press members at MTAC before covering the convention with pictures and video and panels and such. Their press applications for this year just went up, and ours is in their inbox. So it’s time again for me to put out the suggestion box for interview questions of this year’s special guests. Normally, I’d wait until we’d gotten the confirmation email since they could always reject us and lock us out of special guest interviews, but I want this to stew for as long as possible. If it doesn’t work out, then oh well. We’ll still be going and taking pictures regardless.

This year’s special guest list goes as such. My writeup on them is a shortened version of their MTAC writeup which you can see by following the link that is their name:

Chii Sakurabi

J-pop singer from Tokyo. Got her start internationally in 2011 after releasing her her first full length album Mirage. She released a single, “Kaguya” in 2013 and will release a new album, Moon Princess, this year. Full website here.

Dan Green

I expect you know who Dan Green is by his voice, though he’s also done scrip adaptations for things like Gundam Unicorn. This is the first time he’ll be at an American anime convention apparently.

Eric Stuart

Same as the above, though he’s been to conventions in the States before. Along with various anime acting, he’s also been doing radio and TV commercials and has recently been doing audiobook readings.

Marianne Miller

A voice actress who broke into the industry at the fresh young age of 19 as extra voices in the first FMA movie, she’s been getting roles here and there including a role in Squid Girl. Oh yes.

Little Kuriboh

You know. That guy who made Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series and started off a YouTube fad that produced something like 4 good things amidst a sea of dross. Also, if it wasn’t for Chris Ayers, he’d probably be the best Freeza.

Samantha Inoue-Harte

A VA vet who’s been around long enough to be in things like the first Sakura Wars OVA and the Devil Lady OVA. She’s also a producer and partner with Animetropolis, “a boutique transmedia studio that develops and produces compelling cross-cultural creative content with partnering Japanese Anime studios.”

Samurai Dan and Jillian

A stage performing couple who go for the martial arts and the jokes. Dan is also a novelist.

Vedetta Marie

A notable cosplayer who got her start with the unique practice of making costumes wholly out of Magic cards. Her style and creativity were enough to be part of major company runway shows and the face of a online fashion magazine called “ScatterDOTFashion.”

Vic Mignogna

Edward Elric, Broly, Junpei Iori, and more than a few others. He was also Vega for one of the Street Fighter animes that’s impossible to find, and I’m probably the only one to remember that he was Goemon in one of the Ganbare Goemon OVAs. There’s also the writing and directing and singing. I would have said about him what I said about Dan Green, but that wouldn’t have allowed me to mention that Goemon thing.

Go over the list and see if there’s anyone you have questions for, and I’ll try to work them into the interviews I already would like to do. For the others, if I get enough questions to make a full length interview, I’ll do that one as well. The guests I would like to do interviews for are Vic Mignogna and Dan Green, so if they decided to do interviews, I’ll try to grab some of their time. Interviews in the past have been somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes, so I’ll need between 5 to 10 questions to make a full on interview. The only rules for question submission are think your questions out. These guys get a lot of interviews, and I don’t want to be throwing them the same old questions they’ve heard 20 times that day. And don’t be a jerk. The guests don’t have to give interviews unless they want to, so the time they give us is something we should respect. Also, we don’t need your help to mess with Vic, and we’re already going to be messing with Dan if one of our panels gets accepted.

You can submit questions either through comments here or by emailing us at this link or using the mail slot on the side. And you can keep up with all things MTAC at the official website.