Archive for Yukako Yamagishi

“And now watch as I pull a spinning rabbit out of this hat.” Little by Little 2

Posted in Fanworks, JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/06/09 by OnePixelJumpMan

Back for more fun, there’s a new chapter/edition of Little by Little up on Batoto. Virgina Room brings you another chapter of JoJo’s fun with a few quick jokes to bring you a smile and a good laugh.

There’s a different spread of content this time. The first issue had around two or three jokes per part with a little extra like the Joseph Finisher Rhyme-Off. This issue actually has a full on Part 2 story about Caeser’s and Joseph’s training days where Joseph climbed out of the Hell Climb pit only to be pushed back in every day. There’s also a lot more Part 4 gags.

Something about this makes me feel like I should be creeped out.

And we got to expand into full on Parts 7 and 8 jokes.

The only downside is that the issue cuts down in other areas. There’s only the one Part 5 joke and no Part 6 material at all other than a splash page of Jolyne. There’s also no new cross story interactions like the quiz show in the first one, but the jokes are still good and the art is still pretty nice. If you liked the first, you’ll like the second. And you can trust me on that.

I pledge to you that my taste is and will remain both honest and sanitary.

(Thanks to Little by Little‘s translator, Monocle, for sending me the link to the new issue.)

A Peek at JOJO Royale Stage 8 “QUIZ” Questions and Question Schedule

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/06 by OnePixelJumpMan

Has anyone decided to try their hand at Stage 8? I was a little skeptical about it because of the nature of how you answer. Fandom questions like this usually aren’t too hard, so a lot of this would come down to who’s watching for questions constantly if they were questions like, “What’s the Kakyoin noise?” But now that we’re a little further in, we can take a look at what some of the questions are.

Questions are almost entirely image based and are ranked by how many star points you can get for answering correctly and first.

Level 1 Questions are generally the sort of thing I thought all the questions would be. Simple trivia about events that are pretty big in the JoJo’s story. They even give you the chance to roleplay as Koichi, and I think we all have plenty of experience with that.

Level Two Questions are a little more daunting. That grave does revolve around a very notable event in JoJo’s, but the grave itself probably isn’t what stands out the most about that event. On a very different hand, you could figure out which number is a prime number just by trial and error with a calculator or searching it, but you don’t really have enough time to do that. Everyone is going to be jumping at the chance to answer the questions and get those points.

Level Three Questions are where things get really hairy and you have the most room to snipe because they take a lot of thought to really work out the answer. Considering how briefly Jotaro is in Part 5, do you remember what his hat looked like then? The Part 3, 4, and the Part 6 hats are pretty easy to remember, but the order and a hat that was only seen for a very little bit make it a lot tougher. The rectangle question it like the prime number one. You can measure out each figure to find out which one is 16:9, but do you feel like you have enough time?

So that’s where we are in how Stage 8 works. There are two big plus sides to it: One, they’ve posted a schedule for when questions will be asked:

Schedule of question posting
-Weekdays 12:00~13:00 & 22:00~23:00
-Weekends 22:00~23:00
*it will be changed.

They’ve also stipulated that if a question is not answered correctly within ten minutes of posting, the question will close and no points will be awarded. They also reconfirmed that anyone can join this stage and progress, but a maximum of 25 people will be allowed into Stage 9 from points in this stage.

Two, we have a sense for how many questions are being asked. We’re only just about a week into this Stage, and there’s been 59 questions, one of which was asked six minutes ago from when it is right now. So there’s a lot of opportunity to grab some points all day. There’s a block of questions going on right now as I’m writing this, so give it a shot if you see it in time.

(Answers: Erina is washing off the kiss from ME, DIO, Yukako is A, it’s Danny’s grave, 7001 is a prime number, the hat order is f→c→e→d→a→b, and I have no idea which one was the golden rectangle.)

JOJO Royale Stage 7 End! Stage 8 GO!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/03/01 by OnePixelJumpMan

JoJo Royale Stage 7 “POP” has come to close. I hope someone got a foothold in the ad business because some of these are pretty fun. A lot of simple signs, but there’s plenty of creativity to go around. You can check out the whole collection of entries here at the Google Plus page, but let’s look at a few highlights.

I hope the one with the TV wins. The entries are great, and you couldn’t really use that as a sign in your store, but I really like the style and think it looks really cool.

Stage 7 closes and so we move on to JOJO Royale Stage 8: “QUIZ.” Sorry, but there’s no image for this one so far. QUIZ is one of the easier stages so far to enter and win. In the event page, a JoJo’s question will be asked randomly and you have to leave you answer as a comment as soon as possible. Only Japanese and English answers will be accepted. You cannot change your answer once you’ve submitted it either through editing or further comments. If you get an answer right and passed Stage 7, you get a point and pass to Stage 9, and, here’s the big one, you can pass to Stage 9 even if you haven’t been participating in JOJO Royale until now if you get TEN points. If you get three answers wrong, you get booted out of the competition and drop out of the race. The first comment with the correct answer closes the question, and that person gets the point.

I’m pretty sure the official event page means the Google Plus topic for Stage 8, but keep a look out on the main Google Plus page and the official JOJO Royale page just in case. According to a later official post, questions will typically be posted around lunchtime, but questions can be posted at any time. Account for when that will be for you according to your timezone, whenever around 11AM to probably 3PM in Japan is for you, so you can jump on the question as soon as possible. Remember, you’re pitting yourself against JoJo fans from across the world for the chance to win this.

The mural sized Steel Ball Run wallpaper from the JOJOmenon exhibit. The person with the most points at the end of the Stage wins. Wrack your brains and cram for your fabulous exam. Questions will be asked until March 19th, 8PM Japanese Standard Time.

OPJ Podcasts! “OPJ’s Bizarre Podcast – Part 4: You’ll Be Eaten By Feet!”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Podcasts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/08/31 by OnePixelJumpMan

What a beautiful morning! What a beautiful Ducast!

It returns with the best part yet! Diamond is not Crush! Or Diamond is Unbreakable because that doesn’t sound as Engrish. Not that you’ll be lacking for translation problems or anything. It’s ok, someone explodes a motorcycle. You’ll be fine.

Download it here!
Send questions, complaints, an requests for autographed body parts here!