Archive for Yuri Lowenthal

OPJ Podcasts! “Crispin Freeman, Get Out of My Bedroom!”

Posted in Conventions, MTAC, MTAC 2012, MTAC Omega, Podcasts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2012/04/22 by OnePixelJumpMan

It’s time for our MTAC Omega podcast. Sorta. We spend a lot of time talking about Gundam for some reason. But we gave it some due, talked about a handful of panels. There’s a ton of videos under the podcast because of the Engrish Jamboree. Good times.

Also, I lied. I put “Louis Armstrong” in the show notes.  I’m so sorry.

Download it here!
Send questions, complaints, an requests for autographed body parts here!


I’m so sorry, anyone who is African American in any way.