Archive for Zelda Musou Launch Date

Zelda Musou PV 1

Posted in Video Games, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , on 2014/05/20 by OnePixelJumpMan

Ok, so we all agree that this is really weird, right? The Musou series is usually an acceptable template for any property to get a quick game out, and they’re always ok. It can be amusing to play with a friend for a bit. We spent some fun, dazed nights with the Gundam set. But Zelda? Zelda already is a game, and this is a huge shift in what those games are. So I think it’s safe to say that this is a little weird.

I have an idea as to why, though. There’s a certain part of Nintendo that wants to run with the Zelda timeline thing, and there’s a gap way at the front as described by Skyward Sword‘s back story that can be filled with a game. I’m guessing because the Link here looks similar in design to the Link from Akira Himekawa’s Skyward Sword manga with some color and clothing specific design differences that can be explained away by different creative control. That Link is supposed to be the Hero of the War in SS’s back story, and a War lends itself more to beating up tons of baddies rather than dungeon exploration. Whether or not that will be the game’s story and whether or not that would make any sense is an exercise for later.

But it should be fine to play can move on from going, “Wait, what” over and over into the PV. Musou games rarely have much depth, but a game can be fun in a dumb way. The moves look satisfying to use, though repeated usage will probably wear that down. They might be able to dodge that bullet by giving Link his usual giant inventory to bolster the combo list.

My biggest question at the moment is what other characters there are to use. This magazine spread:

has what looks like some form of Impa and a few other characters. It also says “Story” but the only part big enough for me to read is “A New Adventure Begins.” Certainly there are other characters to pull up or make up for this game. I do hope we’re not limited to the Hero party. If I’m wrong about the story, I want to play as Ganon so I can spin a trident and shoot flaming birds at people. Now that would be satisfying.

Zelda Musou will launch in Japan on August 14th.

(Image from Yaraon. This also came along with a spread announcing Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Coffin of the End. We’ll get back to you on that when there’s a PV for it)