Archive for Zoom Punch

All Star Battle PV 4 Subbed! “I’ve taken the meaning out of your language.”

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/23 by OnePixelJumpMan

I assumed you guys would be interested in knowing what they were saying. It helps me out. I didn’t know what it was JoJolion Josuke was doing during his Grand Heat, but the friction stealing is cool. Okuyasu calling Giorno names makes way more sense than insulting his topknot that he totally has. His classic style “uurrryyy” is also a nice touch.

(Thanks to JoJo Tumblr for being that chain link. You can see the original post here.)

All Star Battle PV 4! Father vs. Daughter, Gun vs. Gun, Vampire vs. Pompadour, RERO vs. RELA

Posted in JoJo's Year, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/18 by OnePixelJumpMan

Yeah, that’s the way to do it. Can we agree that we’re coming into ASB with a little “who’d win in a fight” mentality? The moment Mista and Hol Horse were both set to be in the game, I was thinking about who has the better gun stand. But the stand out rivalry is obviously the all out cage match of Cherries vs. Cheese.

The gameplay that we got to see with the main showcase characters, Johnny, Johnathan, Will, and JoJolion Josuke are pretty interesting. I was wrong about what move I thought would be the On Fire Fist, but we knew it would be there. Zoom punch got my attention because it looks like it sticks for a second instead of retracting immediately. If it does, it could be really awesome for anti-air because an opponent could misjudge the time and still jump into it. Will also has it, so I await my match where we sit across the ring just doing that at each other.

Johnny looks like he’s either going to be the character that’s really hard to use because of his very limited movement when not on Slow Dancer but very rewarding if you can handle him or the character that caters to spamming because he’s going to be projectile heavy. That does follow; his power was shooting his fingernails, but I don’t want that to mean he’ll be the back-up-and-shoot-you character.

JoJolion Josuke I think is going to be the trap/counter character with that all based around the soap bubble. I’ve got to give CC2 some credit for what they used for his moves because you see him using a bunch of soap bubbles as a barrier around his body like the shaving scene. He also does that at a distance, but I’m mostly interested in when the screen goes black. That specific bubble will steal the players’ “eyes” by blacking the screen so whoever’s JoJolion Josuke can get a free hit. That’s going to be really hard to use for human player because it blanks the screen, but there may be more to it than what’s in the PV.

Oh, and Kira. He has Sheer Heart Attack, but that’s all they’re telling us. I figured he would also be a counter/trap character because of the way Another One Bites the Dust works and all the bombs, but it’s not in the PV. At this point, I think we can be clear that Kira is DLC only. The way he’s rolled in with the Hayato Memo Book and the specific mention of PSN in the text on the still intro page (edit: and that he’s listed as such on the official character page.) You gotta buy him extra. If you don’t want to mess with getting foreign DLC, you might want to import fast.

All-Star Battle Gameplay Shots 3! My Guts are Not a Frog!

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/02/06 by OnePixelJumpMan

There’s that Famitsu article.

I must have just never payed attention when Tusk Act 1 was around because I didn’t remember half the details on it like the frosting nozzle it has for a nose.

We also have much easier to see shots of the moves previewed in the V-Jump spread.

“Zoom Punch”

I think this is the opening of the” On Fire Fist,” but it might just be the move where Johnathan fucks you up.

The “Frog Punch,” except the frog is your intestines.

The “Psyche, Stronza!” where Zeppeli pretends he’ll give you the Ripple, but he’s actually just hitting you.

Tusk Act 2’s standard ultra move.

Tusk Act 3, the power up ultra move.

Tusk Act 4, the Ultra Tour with backup dancing by Slow Dancer

Finally, we’ve got a couple new environments.

Dio’s Throne Room and Balcony. Please refrain from lighting any body parts with the balcony torches.

The Funny Valentine Final Battle Site in New Jersey. Danger: Bear.

These are some beautifully crafted environments. With the Jersey one, I might forgive the stage hazards if the bears are the stage hazards. Just imaging Josuke launching an Kira backwards into a bear, then bear launches Kira back into one of Josuke’s ultras. Then the bear shapeshifts back into Mikitaka Hazekura and they bro-fist. I think you can see why I might be on board with that.

You can see even more images at the original Famitsu article.

More All-Stars for Battle! Johnathan Joestar and Caeser Zeppeli

Posted in JoJo's Year, Text Articles, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 2013/01/16 by OnePixelJumpMan

Well look what slipped in under my nose. Silicon Era was able to sniff out a V-Jump article confirming Johnathan Joestar and Caeser Zeppeli for All-Star Battle. Unfortunately, I cannot find the article in question from them, V-Jump, or CyberConnect2. Hopefully I’ll be able to find that soon and edit it into this post later. The SE article notes that Johnathan will have Zoom Punch so that we can have awesome matches of Zoom Punch vs. Star Finger. Caeser’s moves haven’t been revealed yet. If this is for real, I’m sure we’ve got a Famitsu special and trailer coming our way in the next few weeks.

In the meantime, for all the Caeser fans I know are out there, entertain yourselves with this video I found in the comments of SE’s article.

Maybe that’ll be a move. Caeser will drop a chair on you and then sit in it for the finishing damage.